ART-RISK tools
The ART-RISK tools are designed to support decision-making for the conservation and protection of Cultural Heritage. Their development is the result of over 20 years of intensive research conducted by the PAI TEP 199 team at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide in Seville. Our goal is to advance methods for improving heritage management and assist institutions and professionals tasked with safeguarding our cultural assets.
Here, you can find information about the various ART-RISK tools and access links for each of them in the corresponding sections of the website.
This are ART-RISK Tools:
ART-RISK 1 Terra: A computerized tool for measuring vulnerability indices and conducting risk analysis in defensive architecture.
ART-RISK 3 Iglesias: An AI-based computerized tool for the preventive conservation of built Cultural Heritage, specifically churches in urban centers.
ART-RISK 4 Salvaguarda and Mission Track: A model for developing safeguard plans and an application based on Good Management Practices (GMP) for emergency response.
ART-RISK 5 Atlas: A tool for monitoring the impact of climate change through the analysis of satellite images.
These tools and their methodologies can be used by regional and local governments, heritage managers, and Cultural Heritage (CH) property owners to make informed decisions based on preventive conservation strategies and GMP for emergency response.
For more information and advice on the tools, please contact: sanitar@upo.es