Energy Conversion Nanomaterials & Devices Group
16 January, 2025
Applied Energy Materials (2025). DOI:10.1021/acsaem.4c01720
Nidia G. García-Peña, Mahmoud Nabil*, Dena Pourjafari, Diecenia Peralta-Domínguez, Wendy Yaznay Padrón-Hernández, Adriana P. Franco-Bacca, Araceli Ríos-Flores, Beatriz Eugenia Heredia-Cervera, Renan Escalante, Geonel Rodríguez Gattorno, Milenis Acosta, Paul Pistor, Juan Antonio Anta, Gerko Oskam*
12 December, 2024
Participation in II Meeting of the Research Network on Halide Perovskites and Their Technological Applications by Mahmoud Nabil
06 November, 2024
If you are working on the application of advance numerical models for solar cells design and optimization, do not miss this opportunity.
Looking forward to your participation and contributed orals!
Address topics like drift-diffusion, optical simulations, machine learning, data management strategies and numerical approaches for device optimization and design at #MATSUS25
25 October, 2024
Charge carrier dynamics of chemical vapor deposited carbon-dopef titanium dioxide photoanodes
Ceramics International (2024). DOI:10.1016/j.ceramint.2024.10.359
Francisco J. Peón-Díaz, Juan Carlos Expósito-Gálvez, Rodrigo Segura del Río, Ricardo Henríquez, Sandra Fuentes Villalobos, Dani J. Rodríguez, Gerko Oskam
01 October, 2024
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 30 (2024). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.4c02364
Osbel Almora, Farshad Jafarzadeh, Mohamed Samir, Renán Escalante, Diego Di Girolamo, Jessica Barichello, Francesca Brunetti, Lluis F. Marsal, Fabio Matteocci, and Juan Antonio Anta.
Illumination direction effect and diffusion length asymmetry in transparent perovskite solar cells. Great collaboration with Tor Vergata and Rovira i Virgili universities.
18 September, 2024
Se lanza la web del proyecto AGROVOLTAICA, en colaboración con AZCATEC y FITOCASH
El proyecto AGROVOLTAICA, desarrollado en colaboración con la empresa sevillana de ingeniería AZCATEC y la compañía de agroquímicos FITOCASH busca integrar paneles solares fotovoltaicos en las plantaciones de olivos tradicionales, aportando soluciones sostenibles y tecnológicamente avanzadas a la agricultura. Teniendo como objetivo mejorar la producción de aceitunas y la salud de los olivos, al mismo tiempo que se reduce el consumo de agua y se produce energía eléctrica renovable. Se espera que las sinergias entre los paneles solares y los olivares optimicen el uso del suelo y mejoren la eficiencia del cultivo.
GO Agrovoltaica representa una sinergia entre tecnología, sostenibilidad y agricultura tradicional, este proyecto no solo busca optimizar la producción agrícola y reducir el consumo de recursos, sino también crear un modelo sostenible y replicable que pueda ser daoptado en diferentes regiones y con diversos cultivos. La comunidad agrícola y energética se beneficiará de este enfoque innovador, convirtiéndose en un ajemplo de cómo la tecnología puede integrar con la naturaleza para crear un futuro más sostenible y próspero.
El proyecto GO Agrovoltaica es una muestra clara de que la combinación de tradición e innovación puede ser la clave para afrontar los desafíos del futuro en la agricultura y la energía.
See in english below
The AGROVOLTAICA project, developed in collaboration with the sevillian engineering company AZCATEC and the agrochemical company FITOCASH aims to integrate photovoltaic solar panels into traditional olive plantations, providing sustainable and technologically advanced solution to agriculture.Aiming to improve olive production and the health of olive tress, while reducing water consumption and producing renewable electricity, the synergies between solar panels and olive groves are expected to optimize land use and improve crop efficiency.
GO Agrovoltaica represents a synergy between technology, sustainability and tradicional agriculture. This project not only seeks to optimize agricultural production and reduce resource consumption, but also to create a sustainable and replicable model that can be adopted in different regions and with various crops. The agricultural and energy community will benefit from this innovatibe approach becoming an example of how technology can integrate with nature to create a more sustainable and prosperous future.
The GO Agrovoltaica project is a clear example that the combination of tradition and innovation can be the key to facing the challenges of the future in agriculture and energy.
06 September, 2024
Journal of Applied Physics 136, 094502 (2024). DOI: 10.1063/5.0216983
Osbel Almora, Pilar López-Varo, Renán Escalante, John Mohanraj, Lluis F. Marsal, Selina Olthof, Juan A. Anta
26 August, 2024
Platform-ZERO is a project co-funded by the European Commission that aims to substantially reduce production costs for industry in the photovoltaic sector
The project made substantial progress with notable achievements in process monitoring, sensor technology, and AI integration
This strategy is currently tested in four different PV industrial pilot plantsthroughout Europe
15 August, 2024
32 International Materials Research Congress, Cancún México
Incorporation of an NiCo2O4 Interlayer for improved open circuit voltage and efficiency in carbon-based perovskite solar cells, by Mahmod Nabil
11 August, 2024
Synthesis, characterization and photoelectrochemical performance of Bi2Fe4O9 thin films
Materials Today Chemistry 40 102250 (2024) DOI: 10.1016/j.mtchem.2024.102250
Deimer R. Gómez-Mejía, Juan C. Expósito-Gálvez, Gerko Oskam, Daniel Olguín-Melo, Omar Jiménez-Sandoval
01 August, 2024
NiOx passivation in perovskite solar cells: from surface reactivity to device performance
ACS Applied Materials & Applications 16, 32, 42835-42850 (2024). DOI: 10.1021/acsami.4c06709
John Mohanraj, Bipasa Samanta, Osbel Almora, Renán Escalante, Lluis F. Marsal, Sandra Jenatsch, Arno Gadola, Beat Ruhstaller, Juan A. Anta, Maytal Caspary Toroker, Selina Olthof
27 June, 2024
Nanophotonics (2024), pages 311-352. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-323-95494-5.00013-6
Gerko Oskam, Sayda Dinorah Coria Quiñones, Juan Carlos Expósito-Gálvez, Omar Jiménez Sandoval, Ingrid G. Rodríguez Gutiérrez
20 and 21 June, 2024
Intelligent Characterization of PV Devices, Summer School Session in Carmona
This special program was designed to gather to industrial engineers and PhD students to learn about state-of-the-art AI techniques and their application in the photovoltaics industry. The summer school explored AI-enhanced characterization and monitoring tools from an industrial perspective, emphasizing their integration into PV production lines. The training addressed the critical challenges in PV manufacturing, particularly the production inefficiencies that lead to material waste and increased environmental impact. The programme was tailor-made for those involved in photovoltaics, related opto-electronic applications, and material sciences, who aspire to bridge the gap between academic research and industrial application.
Several Platform-ZERO partners delivered presentations and interactive sessions, from UPO (lead organiser of the event), CNATS, IREC, RISC and R2M Solution, but also from external organisations including AZCATEC.
13 to 19 June, 2024
Caracterización de fotoelectroquímica de semiconductores con métodos de pequeña perturbación: Impacto en dispositivos de generación de combustible solares
In June 2024, Gerko Oskam (Energy Conversion Nanomaterials & Devices Group and CNATS) imparted a course on fundamental and practical aspects of photoelectrochemical water splitting. This method is attractive for the generation of green hydrogen as a clean fuel, which is an essential piece in the sustainable energy transition puzzle. In this type of device, the semiconductor is in direct contact with the electrolyte solution, which implies strict stability requirements, but the advantages of simplicity make it an important focus of current research. The key to improving these solar energy conversion systems is associated with a good understanding of the fundamental processes that govern their performance. In this scenario, both steady-state photoelectrochemical methods and more advanced small perturbation techniques are needed to elucidate the mechanisms and processes that limit the efficiency of charge separation, recombination, charge transfer and transport. This is particularly challenging for nanostructured and porous photoelectrodes, due to the complicated potential distribution at the interface. The course discusses the fundamental bases of the systems of current interestin detail, with a focus on the application of small perturbation methods.
17 June, 2024
Máster en Nanomateriales Funcionales: Aplicaciones en Energia, Biotecnología y Medio Ambiente
Este lunes 17 y hasta el 26 de junio se abre el periodo de preinscripción en los másteres del Distrito Único Andaluz en su fase ordinaria. No pierdas tu oportunidad, y reserva tu plaza en el Máster de Nanomateriales Funcionales
27 May, 2024
Intelligent characterization of photovoltaic devices from an industrial perspective
1st edition
Announcing to our friends and colleagues the forthcoming summercourse on Artificial Intelligence applied to photovoltaics manufacturing, in the beautiful town of Carmona, proud capital of the ancient Al-Andalus taifa kingdom of Abd-Allah ben Ishaq
22 May, 2024
Exploring the charge carrier dynamics in carbon nanotubes-TiO2 composites for water photooxidation
Catalysis Today (2024). DOI:10.1016/j.cattod.2024.114789
Francisco J. Peón-Díaz, Juan Carlos Expósito-Gálvez, Rodrigo Segura del Río, Ricardo Henríquez, Juan A. Anta, Gerko Oskam
08 - 10 May, 2024
Energía eléctrica ¿De dónde la obtenemos? participación en la 22º Feria de la Ciencia Sevilla 2024
actividad principal que desarrolla la Sociedad Andaluza para la Divulgación de la Ciencia (SADC), se trata de un espacio expositivo en el que se encuentran el mundo de la investigación, los centros educativos, los museos, las empresas, la universidad y la ciudadanía en general, que tiene como objetivo el intercambio, la divulgación y la comunicación de conocimientos científicos, técnicos y de medio ambiente
08 May, 2024
"For we do not know what beasts the night dreams when its hours grow too long for even God to be awake" - Hildred Castaigne
Competition between transport and recombination in dye solar cells at low light intensity
Solar RRL (2024). DOI:10.1002/solr.202400149
Patricia Sánchez-Fernández, Clara A. Aranda, Renán Escalante, Antonio J. Riquelme, Renaud Demadrille, Paul Pistor, Gerko Oskam, Juan A. Anta
22 April, 2024
The dual nature of metal halide perovskites
J. Chem. Phys. 160, 150901 (2024). DOI:10.1063/5.0190890
Juan A. Anta, Gerko Oskam, Paul Pistor.
15 March, 2024
Vapor phase deposition of perovkite photovoltaics: short track to commercialization?
Energy Environ. Sci., (2024) 17, 1645-1663. DOI:10.1039/D3EE03273F
Tobias Abzieher, David t.Moore, Marcel Rob, Steve Albrecht, Jared Silvia, Hairen Tan, Quentin Jeangros, Christophe Ballif, Maximilian T. Hoerantner, Beom-Soo Kim, Henk J. Bolink, Paul Pistor, Jan Christoph Goldschmidt, Yu-Hsien Chiang, Samuel D. Stranks, Juliane Borchert, Michael D. McGehee, Monica Morales-Masis, Jay B. Patel, Annalisa Bruno and Ulrich W. Paertzold.
24 November, 2023
Electrochimica Acta, 474, 143545 (2024). DOI:10.1016/j.electacta.2023.143545
Juan Carlos Expósito-Gálvez, Ludek Hromadko, Marcela Sepúlveda, Francisco J. Peón-Díaz, Sayda Dinorah Coria-Quiñones, Omar Jímenez-Sandoval, Jan M. Macak and Gerko Oskam.
29 September, 2023
Solvay Conference 1927- Theatre play - Nanosolar and Omegas groups
The Nanosolar and Omegas research groups of Universidad Pablo de Olavide have come together to make a small theatre play about the Solvay Conference of 1927. This is a semi-comic style but tries to maintain the scientific ideas of almos 100 years ago.
The theare play presents dramatized discussions with small explanations and even adds a narrator who interrupts to explain even more.
We invite you to enjoy the work.
13 June, 2023
Physical Review Applied 19, 014061 (2023). DOI:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.19.014061
Laurence J. Bennett, Antonio J. Riquelme, Juan A. Anta, Nicola E. Courtier, and Giles Richardson
31 March, 2023
Journal of Materials Science 58, 5372-5388 (2023). DOI: 10.1007/s10853-023-08351-4
Francisco J. Peón-Díaz, Rodrigo Segura del Río, Samuel Hevia, Fernanda Olivares, Juan Carlos Expósito-Gálvez, Renán Escalante, Karen Valadez-Villalobos, Antonio J. Riquelme, Gerko Oskam & Ricardo Henríquez
23 January, 2023
Advanced Energy Materials (2023). DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202203651
Valid M. Mwalukuku, Johan Liotier, Antonio J. Riquelme, Yann Kervella, Quentin Huaulmé, Alix Haurez, Stéphanie Narbey, Juan Antonio Anta, Renaud Demadrille.
30 November, 2022
ACS Applied Energy Materials (2022). DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.2c02609
Carlos A. Gonzales-Flores, Dena Pourjafari, Renan Escalante, Esdras J. Canto-Aguilar, Alberto Vega Poot, José Maria Andres Castán, Yann Kervella, Renaud Demadrille, Antonio J. Riquelme, Juan A. Anta, and Gerko Oskam.
03 November, 2022
Inverted Hysteresis in n–i–p and p–i–n Perovskite Solar Cells
Energy Technology, Generation, Conversion, Storage, Distribution (2022). DOI: 10.1002/ente.202200507
Rodrigo García-Rodríguez, Antonio J. Riquelme, Matthew Cowley, Karen Valadez-Villalobos, Gerko Oskam, Laurence J. Bennett, Matthew J. Wolf, Lidia Contreras-Bernal, Petra J. Cameron, Alison B. Walker, Juan A. Anta.
01 September, 2022
Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2022), 10, 18782 - 18791 . DOI: 10.1029/D2TA04840J.
Stijn Lammar, Renán Escalante, Antonio J. Riquelme, Sandra Jenatsch, Beat Ruhstaller, Gerko Oskam, Tom Aernouts and Juan A. Anta.
15 July, 2022
Author: Antonio J. Riquelme Expósito
12 July, 2022
Understanding equivalent circuits in perovskite solar cells. Insight from drift-diffusion simulation
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2022) 24, 15657 - 15671. DOI:10.1039/D2CP01338J.
Antonio j. Riquelme, Karen Valadez-Villalobos, Pablo P. Boix, Gerko Oskam, Iván Mora-Seró and Juan A. Anta.
12 July, 2022
Todavía quedan plazas para el curso de verano de la UPO en Carmona "Nuevas tecnologías en energía solar. Fundamentos y aplicaciones"
con la presencia del Dr Gerko Oskam, Dr Juan Antonio Anta, Dr Paul Pistor, Dr Renán Escalante, Dr Antonio Riquelme, Juan Carlos Expósito, Dr Octavio García, Dra Ingrid Rodríguez, Dr Ivan Mora, Dr Rodrigo García y Dra Dena Pourjafari.
Aprende sobre: - Sistemas de conversión de energía solar - Determinación del potencial de la energía solar - Conceptos fundamentales de la conversión de la energía solar - Tecnología termo-solar: calentadores de agua y sistemas relacionados - Combustibles solares: el combustible limpio hidrógeno - Demostraciones de aspectos fundamentales de sistemas de conversión de energía solar - Fotovoltaica basada en películas delgadas - Fotovoltaica de sistemas de perovskitas híbridas de haluro deplomo - Fotovoltaica basada en perovskitas: conceptos de economía circular - Fotovoltaica basada en perovskitas por impresión: un análisis de costos
20 June, 2022
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (2022). DOI:10.1021/acs.jcim.1c01506
Juan Antonio Sejias-Bellido, Bipasa Samanta, Karen Valadez-Villalobos, Juan Jesús Gallardo, Javier Navas, Salvador R. G. Balestra, Rafael María Madero Castro, José Manuel Vicent-Luna, Shuxia Tao, Maytal Caspary Toroker, and Juan Antonio Anta.
12 June, 2022
Los días 21 y 22 de julio, estaremos impartiendo un curso de verano en la Sede de Carmona de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de la modalidad dual con título:
Nuevas tecnologías en energía solar. Fundamentos y aplicaciones
En el curso, se tratan los aspectos fundamentales y se darán ejemplos de conversión de energía solar en electricidad, calor y energía química en forma de hidrógeno. Además, se discutirán aspectos de escalamiento y de economía circular para un ejemplo de fotovoltaica basada en perovskitas híbridas. Habrá un taller práctico para ilustrar los conceptos. Todas las conferencias se van a grabar y se pondrán a disposición de los estudiantes para que las visualicen cuando mejor les convenga.
25 April, 2022
Challenges of modeling nanostructured materials for photocatalytic water splitting
Chemical Society Reviews (2022). DOI:10.1039/D1CS00648G.
Bipasa Samanta, Angel Morales-García, Francesc Illas, Nicolae Goga, Juan Antonio Anta, Sofia Calero, Anja Bierberle-Hüter, Florian Libisch, Ana B. Muñoz-García, Michele Pavone and Maytal Caspary Toroker.
14 March, 2022
Highly Anisotropic Organometal Halide Perovskite Nanowalls Grown by Glancing-Angle Deposition.
Advanced Materials (2022). DOI:10.1002/adma.2021007739.
Javier Castillo-Seonane, Lidia Contreras.Bernal, Jose Manuel Obrero-Perez, Xabier García-Casas, Francisco Lorenzo-Läzarp, Francisco Javier Aparicio, Carmen Lopez-Santos, Teresa Cristina Rojas, Juan Antonio Anta, Ana Borrás, Angel Barranco, Juan Ramon Sanchez-Valencia.
28 January, 2022
Solar RRL, 2021. DOI:10.1002/solr.202100929
Johan Lioter, Valid Mwatati Mwalukuku, Samuel Fauvel, Antonio J. Riquelme, Juan A. Anta, Pascale Maldivi, Renaud Demadrille.
Collaboration with CEA Grenoble (Renaud Demadrille's group)
27 January, 2022
INMALAB ofrece un servicio integrado de valoración y análisis científico de materiales de interés energético, ambiental, biotecnológico, geológico y de protección del patrimonio histórico-artístico entre otros.
17 November, 2021
We are pleased to share that Gerko Oskam has been selected as the recipient of the 2021 National Chemistry Award "Andrés Manuel del Río" by the Mexican Chemical Society!
04 November, 2021
Always a pleasure meeting our colleagues of the SCALEUP #perovskite consortium. Fruitful and exciting discussions in our hybrid progress meeting held November 2, 2021 at TU/e #Eindhoven. Thanks Prof. Sofia Calero, Shuxia Tao, Mike Pols and J.M. Vicent-Luna of the Materials Simulation & Modelling group for their kind hosting.

23 September, 2021
Ilumination Intensity Dependence of the Recombination Mechanism in Mixed Perovskite Solar Cells
ChemPlusChem, 2021. DOI:10.1002/cplu.202100233
Alejandra Caastro-Chong, Antonio Jesús Riquelme Expósito, Tom Aernouts, Laurence J. Bennet, Gerko Oskam, Giles Richardson, Juan Antonio Anta.
21 September, 2021
J. Phys. Chem, 2021. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c04717
Abbas Vali, Hori Pada Sarker, Beatriz Heredia Cervera, Ingrid Rodríguez-Gutiérrez, Mohammad Kabir Hossain, Muhammad N. Huda, Gerko Oskam, and Krishnan Rajeshwar
02 September, 2021
Characterization of Photochromic Dye Solar Cells Using Small-Signal Perturbation Techniques
ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2021. DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.1c01204
Antonio J. Riquelme, Valid Mwatati Mwalukuku, Patricia Sánchez-Fernández, Johan Liotier, Renán Escalante, Gerko Oskam, Renaud Demadrille*, and Juan A. Anta*
30 July, 2021
The Nanostructured Solar Cells Group of University Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain, is offering a postdoctoral position in the field of Molecular Simulation of Hybrid Metal Halide Perovskites for photovoltaics and fundamental characterization of perovskite solar cells, within the framework of a European Consortium.
The candidates should hold a Ph.D. degree in Physics/Chemistry/Chemical Engineering/Materials Science (etc.) and demonstrate expertise in Molecular Simulation techniques both at quantum (DFT) and classical (Molecular Dynamics, Monte Carlo) levels. Previous experience with Emerging Photovoltaics and photoelectrical characterization of Solar Cells will be especially valued. The successful candidate must show initiative and abilities to carry out independent and high quality research, including project and paper draft writing.
Please send CVs to nanosolarupo@gmail.com
15 June, 2021
Informamos de la publicación en el BOJA de la "Resolución 31 de mayo de 2021, de la Secretaría General de Universidades, Investigación y Tecnología, por la que se convocan ayudas, en régimen de concurrencia competitiva, para el ejercicio 2021, destinadas a financiar la contratación predoctoral de personal investigador en formación por los agentes del Sistema Andaluz del Conocimiento"
Las ayudas tienen como finalidad la formación de personal investigador mediante la realización de una tesis doctoral en el marco de los programas de doctorado de las universidades andaluzas y su contratación laboral, preferentemente mediante la modalidad de contrato predoctoral establecida en el artículo 21.c de la Ley 14/2011, de 1 de junio, de la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación.
El plazo de presentación de solicitudes será de 15 días hábiles desde el día siguiente a la publicación del extracto de eta convocatoria en el BOJA, el plazo será desde el 14 de junio hasta el 2 de julio de 2021, no obstante debido a la necesidad de realizar la verificación y firma electrónica de carácter institucional de las solicitudes, deben ser presentadas como máximo el 30 de junio de 2021.
Las personas candidatas al contrato predoctoral deberán inscribirse en el Sistema de Información Científica de Andalucía (SICA), donde podrán identificarse y definir su nombre de usuario y palabra clave, con el fin de poder cumplimentar los parámetros correspondientes de la solicitud e incluir la información necesaria para la presentación y evaluación de la misma. Una vez cumplimentada dicha solicitud la persona candidata deberá enviarla electronicamente al representante legal de la entidad solicitante. La presentación de la solicitud se completará mediante la cumplimentación del resto de apartados por parte del representante legal y la firma y presentación electrónica de la misma.
10 May, 2021
The Pablo de Olavide University in Seville offers positions for researchers willing to implement a 2-3 years project based in Spain within the framework of the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska Curie postdoctoral fellowships programme (MSCA-PF-2021). All top candidates having the approval of a supervisor at UPO will have the possibility of receiving specialized training in writing a successful proposal for the next MSCA-PF call. You can apply if at the time of the call deadline for the submission of MSCA-PF proposals (September, 2021): 1) you are in the possession of a PhD and you have not obtained your PhD more than 8 years ago; 2) you comply with the mobility rule of the MSCA; 3) you choose the Pablo de Olavide University as your Host Institution. We will be happy to support highly qualified candidates who are interested in any area of our research and are eligible for the MSCA funding. Please contact us by email to get all the details about available scientific supervisors and the procedure to benefit from the training on proposal writing.
29 April, 2021
Escuela de Verano: Conceptos Fundamentales e Innovación en Energía Solar Fotovoltaica: La Tercera Generación
19 October, 2020
Exciting first progress meeting of SCALEUP project. We keep working on scaling up the modeling of perovskites towards their use as an exploitable technology. Thanks to all the participants and attendants.
05 October, 2020
Journal of Applied Physics, 2020, 128, 133103. DOI: 10.1063/5.0013317
Antonio Riquelme*, Francisco Enrique Gálvez*, Lidia Contreras-Bernal, Hernán Míguez and Juan A. Anta
03 September, 2020
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 17385-17398. DOI: 10.1039/D0NR03058A
Antonio Riquelme*, Laurence J. Bennett*, Nicola E. Courtier, Matthew J. Wolf, Lidia Contreras-Bernal, Alison B. Walker, Giles Richardson and Juan A. Anta
06 July, 2020
Dye-sensitized solar cells that adapt to different light conditions
02 July, 2020
Electrochemically Assisted Growth of CsPbBr3-Based Solar Cells Without Selective Contacts
ChemElectroChem, 2020, DOI: 10.1002/celc.202000782
Daniel Ramírez, Gonzalo Riveros, Patricia Díaz, Javier Verdugo, Gerard Núñez, Susy Lizama, Pamela Lazo, Enrique A. Dalchiele, Daniel L. Gau, Ricardo E. Marotti, Juan A. Anta, Lidia Contreras-Bernal, Antonio Riquelme, Jesús Idígoras
09 June, 2020
Nature Energy 5, 468-477 (2020), DOI: 10.1038/s41560-020-0624-7
Quentin Huaulmé, Valid M. Mwalukuku, Damien Joly, Johan Liotier, Yann Kervella, Pascale Maldivi, Stéphanie Narbey, Fréderic Oswald, Antonio J. Riquelme,
Juan Antonio Anta & Renaud Demadrille
02 June, 2020
Efficient Modelling of Ion Structure and Dynamics in Inorganic Metal Halide Perovskites
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8, 11824 - 11836, May 29, 2020, DOI: 10.1039/D0TA03200J
Salvador Rodríguez-Gómez Balestra, Jose Manuel Vicent-Luna, Sofia Calero, Shuxia Tao and Juan A. Anta
30 April, 2020
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2020, 8, 18, 7132-7138, April 21, 2020, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c01481
Lidia Contreras-Bernal, Antonio Riquelme, Juan Jesús Gallardo, Javier Navas, Jesús Idígoras and Juan A. Anta
26 March, 2020
Solar Energy, Volume 201, 1 May 2020, Pages 836-845, DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2020.03.041
Alejandra Castro-Chong, Weiming Qiu, Joao Bastos, Nadine Tchamba Yimga, Rodrigo García-Rodríguez, Jesús Idígoras, Juan A. Anta, Tom Aernouts, Gerko Oskam
27 February, 2020
SCALEUP (SOLAR-ERA.net) Project - Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, February 26 Kick-off meeting
07 November, 2019
Adv. Energy Mater. 2019, 1901524. DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201901524
Angel Barranco, Maria C. Lopez-Santos, Jesus Idigoras, Francisco J. Aparicio, Jose Obrero-Perez, Victor Lopez-Flores, Lidia Contreras-Bernal, Victor Rico, Javier Ferrer, Juan P. Espinos, Ana Borras, Juan A. Anta, Juan R. Sanchez-Valencia
08 October, 2019
Particle consolidation and electron transport in anatase TiO2 nanocrystal films
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 43, 39859-39874, October 4, 2019. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b12693
Karin Rettenmaier, Gregor Zickler, Günther Josef Redhammer, Juan Antonio Anta and Thomas Berger
23 September, 2019
Intensity-Modulated Photocurrent Spectroscopy and Its Application to Perovskite Solar Cells
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, September 23, 2019. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b07434
Sandheep Ravishankar, Antonio Riquelme, Shaibal K. Sarkar, Marisé Garcia-Batlle, Germà Garcia-Belmonte, and Juan Bisquert
04 September, 2019
An Equivalent Circuit for Perovskite Solar Cell Bridging Sensitized to Thin Film Architectures
Joule 3, 1 - 15, October 16, 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.joule.2019.07.014
So-Min Yoo, Seog Joon Yoon, Juan A. Anta, Hyo Joong Lee, Pablo P. Boix, Iván Mora-Seró
10 April, 2019
Impedance analysis of perovskite solar cells: a case study
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, 7, 12191 - 12200. DOI: 10.1039/C9TA02808K
Lidia Contreras-Bernal, Susana Ramos-Terrón, Antonio Riquelme, Pablo Boix, Jesús Idígoras, Iván Mora-Seró and Juan A. Anta
28 March, 2019
11 February, 2019
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10(4), pp 877 - 882. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b03834
Karen Valadez-Villalobos, Jesus Idigoras, Lilian P. Delgado, David Meneses-Rodríguez, Juan Antonio Anta, and Gerko Oskam
21 December, 2018
NANOUCO VII: Meeting on Nanochemistry and Nanotechnology
21-22 January 2019, Cordoba, Spain
12 November, 2018
WREN2018: Workshop on Renewable Energy and Nanotechnology: Renewable Fuel Production
10-14 December 2018, Belém/PA, Brazil
08 October, 2018
Jesús Idígoras, Lidia Contreras-Bernal, James M. Cave, Nicola E. Courtier, Ángel Barranco, Ana Borras, Juan R. Sánchez-Valencia, Juan A. Anta, Alison B. Walker
28 August, 2018
22-26 October 2018, Torremolinos, Spain
10 July, 2018
1 June, 2018
J. Phys. Chem. C 2018
Dena Pourjafari, David Reyes-Coronado, Alberto Vega-Poot, Renán Escalante, Debra Kirkconnell-Reyes, Rodrigo García-Rodríguez, Juan Antonio Anta and Gerko Oskam
22 May, 2018
Videos of the SEPV18 conference held in Barcelona last February
8 May, 2018
7 May, 2018
Low-Perturbation Optoelectronic Measuring Techniques. What are they and what are they good for?
MoleQla. 2018
Antonio Jesús Riquelme Expósito
4 April, 2018
TFM: "Impacto de la preparación química del contacto extractor de electrones sobre la eficiencia fotovoltaica de células solares de perovskita" Autora: Marina Gómez Carretero
22 March, 2018
18 February, 2018
6 February, 2018
5 February, 2018
Stability of Emerging Photovoltaics from Fundamental to Applications
20-23 February 2018, Barcelona, Spain
14 December, 2017
18 November, 2017
21 October, 2017
10th European Meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis Environmental Applications
4-8 June 2018, Almería, Spain
5 September, 2017
Fundamental Processes in Perovskite and Thin Film Solar Cells
2-3 October 2017, Seville, Spain
31 August, 2017

24 July, 2017
XXVI International Materials Research Congress
20-25 August 2017, Cancún, México
18 July, 2017

14 July, 2017
Fundamental Processes in Perovskite and Thin Film Solar Cells
2-3 October 2017, Seville, Spain
July 7, 2017
Impact of moisture on efficiency-determining electronic processes in perovskite solar cells,
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2007
This paper has been selected as "HOT PAPER" in 2017. More
information here
March 17, 2017
Origin and Whereabouts of Recombination in Perovskite Solar Cells ,
J. Phys. Chem. Chem. C 2017 , 121, 18, 9705-9713
Lidia Contreras-Bernal, Manuel Salado, Anna Todinova, Laura Calio, Shahzada Ahmad, Jesús Idígoras, Juan A Anta
Specific cation interactions as the cause of slow dynamics and hysteresis in dye and perovskite solar cells: a small-perturbation study ,
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2016,18, 31033-31042
Lidia Contreras-Bernal, Jesús Idígoras, Anna Todinova, Manuel Salado, Samrana Kazim, Shahzada Ahmad, Juan A Anta
December 23, 2015
The Effect of Recombination under Short-circuit Conditions on the Determination of Charge Transport Properties in Nanostructured Photoelectrodes ,
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2015, DOI: 10.1039/C5CP06466J
Julio Villanueva-Cab, Juan A. Anta and Gerko Oskam
September 17, 2015
Universal Features of Electron Dynamics in Solar Cells with TiO2 Contact: From Dye Solar Cells to Perovskite Solar Cells ,
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2015, 6 pp 3923-3939
Anna Todinova, Jesús Idígoras, Manuel Salado, Samrana Kazim, Juan A. Anta
September 7, 2015
Molecular dynamics simulations of organohalide perovskite precursors: solvent effects in the formation of perovskite solar cells
Juan José Gutierrez-Sevillano, Shahzada Ahmad, Sofía Calero, Juan A. Anta
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, 22770–22777
April 9, 2015
Segundo Simposio Iberoamericano de Adsorción
March 20, 2015
How to "see" a solar eclipse with two types of solar cell
February 23, 2015
February 6, 2015
January 1, 2015
The Impact of the Electrical Nature of the Metal Oxide on the Performance in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: New Look at Old Paradigms
Jesús Idígoras, Gotard Burdziński, Jerzy Karolczak, Jacek Kubicki, Gerko Oskam, Juan A. Anta, Marcin Ziółek
J. Phys. Chem. C., 2015, 119 (8), pp 3931–3944.
Ion Transport in Electrolytes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study
José Manuel Vicent-Luna., Jesús Idígoras., Said Hamad., Sofía Calero., Juan Antonio Anta.
J. Phys. Chem. C., 2014, 118 (49), pp 28448–28455.
Realización de la tesis doctoral en el Grupo de Células Solares Nanoestructuradas
Caracterización y modelización de materiales tipo perovskita para aplicaciones fotovoltaicas y fotoelectroquímicas
Fecha de presentación de solicitudes: 22 de Diciembre de 2014
Enviar currículo a Juan Antonio Anta (anta@upo.es)
Perovskite Offers Shot at Cheaper Solar Energy
Rapid Gains in Efficiency Make This Class of Compounds a Potential Game Changer
The Wall Street Journal
Elucidating Transport-Recombination Mechanisms in Perovskite Solar Cells by Small-Perturbation Techniques
Elena Guillén., F. Javier Ramos., Juan A. Anta., Shahzada Ahmad.,
J. Phys. Chem. C., 10.1021/jp5069076.
Control of the recombination rate by changing the polarity of the electrolyte in dye-sensitized solar cells
Jesús Idigoras., Ramón Tena-Zaera., Juan A. Anta.,
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014,16, 21513-21523 .
Las personas interesadas pueden mandar su CV, expediente académico, carta de motivación, y cartas de recomendación a Juan Antonio Anta (anta@upo.es) antes del 15 de septiembre de 2014.
Mechanisms of Electron Transport and Recombination in ZnO Nanostructures for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Alberto G. Vega-Poot., Manuel Macías-Montero., Jesus Idígoras., Ana Borrás., Angel Barranco., Agustín R. Gonzalez-Elipe., Francisco I. Lizama-Tzec., Gerko Oskam., Juan A. Anta.
Chem. Phys. Chem., 2014, April 14, Volume 15, Issue 6, pages 1088 109.
The Redox Pair Chemical Environment Influence on the Recombination Loss in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Jesús Idígoras., Laia Pellejà., Emilio Palomares., Juan A. Anta.
J. Phys. Chem. C., 2014, Feb 3, 118 (8), pp 3878–3889
2014 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit
21-25 April 2014, San Francisco, California
Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics Conference
11-14 may 2014, Lausanne
Interpretation of Diffusion and Recombination in Nanostructured and Energy-Disordered Materials by Stochastic Quasiequilibrium Simulation
Mehdi Ansari-Rad., Juan A. Anta., Juan Bisquert.
J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013, Jun 10, 10.1021/jp403232b
August, 15 2013
Feature Article and Front Covert
Informe final Proyecto Consolider HOPE
Julio 2013
Resumen de contribuciones y resultados
International Summer University on Energy 2013
ISUenergy 2013
25th August to 6th September 2013, Fallera, Switzerland
"ZnO-Based Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells",
el cuarto más leído en 2012 en The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics Conference
5-8 may 2013, Sevilla
European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced
Materials and Processes
8-13 september 2013, Sevilla
The 12th European Conference on Molecular Electronics
3-7 september 2013, London
Nanotechnology for Next Generation High Efficiency Photovoltaics
1-6 april 2013, Corsica, France
5th Iberian Meeting on Collois and Interfaces
26-28 June 2013, Donostia-San Sebastián
I Reunión de Jóvenes Investigadores en Coloides e
Interfases (JICI-I)
Benidorm (11-13, diciembre 2012)
Postgraduate Course by Prof. Thomas Dittrich
Classic and new concepts in Photovoltaic Solar Cells
6-8 JUNE 2012
University Pablo de Olavide, Seville
more information here
6th edition of the International School on Organic Photovoltaics (ISOPHOS)
28 May-1 June 2012, Ventotene (Italy)
WORKSHOP-31 May 2012:
The Energy & Materials Research Conference
19th International Conference on the Conversion and
Storage of Solar Energy:
7th International Workshop on Zinc Oxide
and related Materials:
3rd international Conference on Hybrid
and Organic Photovoltaics:
Seminar by Prof. Laurence Peter
"The dye-sensitized solar cell - quo vadis?"
University Pablo de Olavide, Seville
Tuesday 15/03/2011 at 12.30 h
Sala de Grados de la planta baja del Edificio 6
Open position as Associate Professor in Mérida, Mexico
For more information click here
GO Agrovoltaica represents a synergy between technology, sustainability and traditional agriculture. This project not only seeks to optimize agricultural production and reduce resource consumption, but also to create a sustainable and replicable model that can be adopted in different regions and with various crops. The agricultural and energy community will benefit from this innovative approach, becoming an example of how technology can integrate with nature to create a more sustainable and prosperous future. The GO Agrovoltaica project is a clear example that the combination of tradition and innovation can be the key to facing the challenges of the future in agriculture and energy.