Multi-objective optimization approach based on Minimum Population Search algorithm
Palabras clave:
Evolutionary Algorithm, Minimum Population Search, Thresheld Convergence, Multi-objective OptimizationResumen
Minimum Population Search is a recently developed metaheuristic for optimization of mono-objective continuous problems, which has proven to be a very effective optimizing large scale and multi-modal problems. One of its key characteristic is the ability to perform an efficient exploration of large dimensional spaces. We assume that this feature may prove useful when optimizing multi-objective problems, thus this paper presents a study of how it can be adapted to a multi-objective approach. We performed experiments and comparisons with five multi-objective selection processes and we test the effectiveness of Thresheld Convergence on this class of problems. Following this analysis we suggest a Multi-objective variant of the algorithm. The proposed algorithm is compared with multi-objective evolutionary algorithms IBEA, NSGA2 and SPEA2 on several well-known test problems. Subsequently, we present two hybrid approaches with the IBEA and NSGA-II, these hybrids allow to further improve the achieved results.
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