Universidad Pablo Olavide
Alejandro Cuetos Menéndez


Cv and Publication list




Juan Neftalí Morillo García

Phd Student
jnmorgar at upo.es

Modelling of phase behavior and transport properties of anisotropic particles, specially discotic particles.

Francisco J. Lobo Cabrera
Phd Student
francisco.lobo6 at gmail.com

Computer simulation of development of bacterial biofilm and tissues at molecular and cellular level .

Collaborators and Friends

Bruno Martinez-Haya (UPO)

Alessandro Patti (University of Manchester)

Gonzalo Angulo (Polish Academy of Sciences)

Antonio Puertas (U. Almeria)

Juan Antonio Anta (UPO)

Sofía Calero (UPO)

Soft Condensed Matter group (Utrecht)

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