Next Economic Analysis Seminar Series

Next Monday June 17th 2024 at 12:00 P.M.

El próximo lunes 17 de junio tendremos el ÚLTIMO SEMINARIO DEL CURSO impartido por José A. Espín Sánchez (Yale University) con el título "Gambling for America: The First Wave of Migration to the Americas, 1492-1540". El seminario tendrá lugar A LAS 12:00 en la Sala de Juntas del Edificio 3.


Título: "Gambling for America: The First Wave of Migration to the Americas, 1492-1540"


CoautoresLeticia Arroyo Abad, Yannay Spitzer, Ariell Zimran


Resumen: We study the patterns of the first transatlantic migration, from Spain to the Americas (1492-1540). In a novel dataset that builds upon previous compilations with new widescale archival work, we combine individual-level migration records containing demographic information of tens of thousands of early Spanish migrants with 16th Century municipality-level information on more than 8,000 locations. Mapping the evolution of the geographic sources of the early Spanish migration, we analyze for the first time the emergence of migration networks from migrant zero. We find three main patterns: A gradient by which the rates of emigration increased with proximity to the port of embarkation, Sevilla; another west-east gradient, where the eastern provinces of Spain were largely absent from this movement; and a number of emigration hotspots in provinces farther from Sevilla. Our empirical analysis supports the view that the evolution of the Spanish migration was shaped by overland transportation costs and by the prominence of social networks.