About the CSPL

Since its foundation, the Centre for Sociology and Local Policies—The Urban Governance’s main objective has been to carry out research to understand the analytical role of the context in socio-political processes in contemporary societies. To this end, we study the explanatory mechanisms underlying these phenomena through theoretically oriented research using a pluralistic and multidisciplinary methodological approach, highlighting the role of public policies in the current context of multi-level governance.

The CSPL research agenda focuses on this cross-cutting common idea that underpins the centre’s research activity. This core idea is developed through four lines of work and specific lines that apply it and develop it in specific research areas and aspects. This includes conducting applied research and collaborating with public, private, and associative entities.

The core idea: common lines in the CSP research agenda

The phenomena 'in place'

We study the importance of context in explaining sociopolitical processes and the results of public policies with respect to different phenomena related to quality of life (socio-economic inequalities, lifestyles and cultural consumption, gender, health, participation, ageing, etc.).

Opening the 'black box'

Our work aims to study the explanatory mechanisms underlying the processes we analyse. We are interested in theoretically oriented empirical research to develop explanatory mechanisms and models that can be applied in practice and inspire public policies.

A pluralistic methodology

We combine advanced methodologies and research designs, such as qualitative (frame analysis, QCA, etc.) and quantitative (multi-level, CFA, etc.) analysis, as well as quasi-experimental designs to evaluate the impact of public policies.

Urban and territorial development policies in a multi-level context

How and why do territories change? What effects do urban and territorial development policies have? We have developed specific methods for the analysis of the design, implementation, and impact evaluation of these policies.

Applying, extending and improving the core idea:
specific lines in the research agenda of the CSPL

The symbolic nature of the territory

Territory is more than socio-spatial features, it is a place with social meanings. We study cultural scenes for different scales (functional areas, cities, neighborhoods), the lifestyles they foster and their effects on quality of life.

Health, preventive innovation and context

We study the explanatory mechanisms that contribute to the (re)production of health inequalities through knowledge diffusion and preventive innovation, highlighting contextual processes and institutional influences from a multilevel approach.

Emerging social risks and local welfare systems

What role do local governments play with respect to socio-spatial inequalities and quality of life? We study the nature and effects of local welfare regimes and systems from a comparative perspective.

Community development, place-based policies and resilience

What makes territories more resilient? To answer this question, we study innovative community development processes that emerge from the community or are promoted by public policies oriented towards intervention in specific territorial spaces.

Contexts, participatory processes and citizen science

How can citizen participation be fostered? We study the effect of contexts and participatory processes on the social logic that explains involvement in political processes, public policies and their results. We incorporate citizens into research through citizen science processes.

Equality policies

How is the gender perspective included in the design of policies, what role do women's associations play, what is the impact of public policies according to gender? We consider the gender perspective transversally, in line with gender mainstreaming.

Territorial/urban governance in a multi-level context

How do public and private actors work together to design and implement public policies? How do they organise themselves to do so? We study the form of governance processes and the reasons behind them in the multi-level context in which they take place.

Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Edificio Nº3 – Conde de Floridablanca, Ctra. de Utrera Km.1 – 41013 Sevilla.