About Us

Política, Territorio y Participación

PTyP (Politics, Territory & Participation) is formed by a score of researchers working in Spanish universities. PTyP is not an opinion group, it is independent of groups and interest groups, and its activities are based on the study and reflection on current and historical empirical data. The PTyP’s research agenda draws on different disciplines like Sociology, Political Science and Social Work. Our scientific approach combines qualitative and quantitative methods. We carry out basic and applied research for institutions and organizations that want to know better their environment and deal rigorously with the problems and concerns that affect them.

In the more recent scientific evaluation carried out by the Andalusian Knowledge Agency, PTyP obtained a score of 25 points out of 32. As a consolidated research group, it has demonstrated its capacity to publish in top-level academic journals, to attract resources in competitive calls for projects and to improve governance by working in close collaboration with public administrations and mass media.