Welcome to the DATAi Research Group
Nowadays, the need to extract knowledge from data is of tremendous importance. In fact, there are numerous fields that produces massive amount of data. Examples of such fields are astronomy, chemistry, genomic, credit card transactions, Internet traffic, social networks or information processing, only to name but a few. To add complexity to this scenario, in many cases, the data generated do not have a homogeneous representation.
In order to face this reality, many resources are being invested with the aim of finding solutions to the this phenomenon. The term “Big Data” is the one that best describes of all this unstoppable grow, availability and use of information. Due to the characteristics of this data, its management and analysis becomes almost impossible with traditional methods.
From this observation, it becomes evident that there is a need of developing solutions that would allow to both manage the data in an efficient way and to extract useful knowledge from such a huge amount of information. These two aspects represent our main research focus.