Ethical Statement
Ethics Policies of the Journal Comparative Cultural Studies: European and Latin American Perspectives
1- About authorship and contributions.
The rules for submitting manuscripts to the journal are public and open access through the journal's website. The authors of the texts submitted to the journal are responsible for the content of the manuscripts.
The published works are evaluated and reviewed in a double-blind procedure, with the anonymity of both the authors and the reviewers. The reviewers will be two specialists in the field and will have to justify their assessment of the papers in terms of their scientific contribution, originality, coherence of the methodological process and quality of writing.
The editorial team will be responsible for this process and will ensure its impartiality. The final responsibility for accepting or rejecting a paper lies with the Editorial Team on the basis of the evaluations received. In turn, the Editorial Team may directly reject papers received, without initiating the review process, if they do not comply with the rules and guidelines for authors or a minimum level of quality; they may also be rejected if the subject matter or scope of the article does not meet the thematic or scientific objectives of the journal, or if there is evidence of plagiarism.
2- How the journal deal with complaints, claims and appeals.
Complaints, claims and appeals can be sent to the journal's e-mail address and will be acknowledged within 5 working days.
In the event of a dispute, complaint or appeal relating to the authorship or content of published work, the editorial team of the journal will ask the author to provide the relevant explanations and evidence to resolve the dispute. Complaints, claims or appeals will be dealt with by the editorial team and the journal's scientific committee, who will communicate with the complainant at all times.
If necessary, two external reviewers, different from those who reviewed the article, will be proposed to make a decision following the blind peer review process. If the response to the complaint is negative and the article has already been published, it will be withdrawn from publication and the authors will be informed by the journal, giving the reasons for the action.
3- Conflicts of interest / competing interests.
No member of the Editorial Team may participate in the direct management of articles or manuscripts if they are directly related to the author.
On the other hand, in the event of a conflict of interest due to the subject matter or because the reviewer creates a conflict by studying a similar reality, he/she must inform the editorial team and justify his/her refusal.
As the evaluation is carried out using the blind method, the editorial team will include the reasons for exclusion in the evaluation form, so that the evaluator can abstain if he/she feels that he/she is involved in such cases.
4- On data sharing and reproducibility.
Texts submitted for publication must be the result of original research. It will be taken into account that the data used to present the results must appear, as well as sufficient information to allow interpretations of the presented results to be refuted or confirmed. Data, ideas, wording or images taken from other works must be correctly referenced. In the case of images, if they are part of the research, it must be explained how they were created or obtained, and if the images have already been published, permissions to reproduce them must be provided.
Authors are responsible for ensuring that the data and results presented in the work are original and have not been copied, invented, distorted or manipulated. Plagiarism in any form, self-plagiarism without attribution, multiple or redundant publication, and the fabrication or manipulation of data are serious ethical misconduct. However, it is possible to publish a paper that expands on another paper that has already been published as a paper or abstract in the proceedings of a conference, citing the text on which it is based, provided that the changes involve a substantial modification of what has already been published.
If the study presented has received funding, the sources of such funding must be indicated in the article, with the funding bodies or agencies cited.
5- Ethical supervision.
Authors of articles submitted for publication are obliged to ensure their originality and authorship, therefore only original works that have not been previously published and are not under evaluation by other journals will be submitted. Therefore, original papers submitted to the journal will not be submitted to other journals until the evaluation process by our journal has been completed. Failure to adhere to the journal's guidelines or the originality of the text may result in the article not being accepted for publication. The journal reserves the right to take appropriate legal action in this regard.
All texts submitted to the journal are considered confidential throughout the editorial process until publication. The information may not be disseminated or used during the entire editorial process, so reviewers must consider the documents as confidential until publication.
Neither the editorial team nor the reviewers may use the data or conclusions of the submitted papers for their own research unless they have been published, stating their origin and authorship and respecting intellectual property rights.
Reviewers will respect the established deadlines and may refuse to review a document due to lack of time or because they feel they are not qualified to review the document. If the reviewer does not agree to review a document, he/she must inform the journal within the established deadline.
6- Intellectual property.
The editorial team will respect and communicate that the intellectual property belongs to the authors of each article published in the journal.
The editorial team must be necessarily impartial in the management of the works proposed for publication and must respect the intellectual independence of the authors, who must be granted the right of reply if they have not been positively evaluated.
7- Other ethical considerations.
The journal Comparative Cultural Studies adheres to the Code of Good Scientific Practice approved by the CSIC in March 2010 ( and to the Good Practice Agreements ( adopted by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Comparative Cultural Studies never solicits manuscripts from potential authors, nor does it charge a fee for publication. If you receive such a request, please consider it a scam and avoid contacting the source.