On Mops and Maids
Migrant Albanian Domestic and Care Workers and the division of reproductive labour in Greece
reproductive labour, women, Albanian migration, domestic work, care work, GreeceAbstract
Reproductive labour has historically been and continues to be associated with female migrant labour. This study aims to unravel the multiple effects of domestic work and care on the living conditions and integration of Albanian domestic workers and carers in Greece. The study applies the research literature review tool, which involves an objective approach and evaluation of the body of qualitative/empirical research literature, in order to answer focused questions about the effects of domestic work on migrant women from Albania in Greece, using appropriate keywords in two databases. According to the findings, the low wages and precarious working conditions that characterize domestic work and care, allow for physical and moral exploitation, while at a social level there is marginalization and difficulty in accessing social security, healthcare, community organization and representation.
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