Stewardship and accountancy in the charity hospital of La Coruña during the XVIII century


  • Mª Dolores Salvador Montiel Universidad de A Coruña
  • Fernando Carlos Ruiz Lamas Universidad de A Coruña



Accounting history, Hospital accountancy, 18th century


The aim of this paper was to analyze the stewardship and accounting methods used in the Charity Hospital of La Coruña (Spain) during the XVIII century. This has been implemented through the study of its foundation rules, the main book of accounts and other documents linked to the governance of the Hospital.

According to the organizational model of accounting procedures, commissioners and managers of the Hospital sent accounts to the Charity Board. The accountant must enter those accounts, writing down receipts and drafts and presenting public documents. He was part of the Hospital internal control of accounts department, and together with the treasurer, they were responsible for the operations to be accounted for in the main book.

This non profit entity followed the cash flow basis of accounting, using the account for and data method in the personal accounts with those who have access to the cash of the Hospital. The main book contained all collections and payments made by the treasurer of the charity entity and their verification.

The results of the study lead us to conclude that according to the method of accounting used in the main book and other documents analyzed, a complete view of the equity situation was not presented, since just cash flows were accounted for, which could be enough to the users of this reports


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How to Cite

Salvador Montiel, M. D. and Ruiz Lamas, F. C. (2011) “Stewardship and accountancy in the charity hospital of La Coruña during the XVIII century”, De Computis, 8(14), pp. 156–178. doi: 10.26784/issn.1886-1881.v8i14.111.



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