The Aquatic Vertebrates Platform

The CABD-UPO Aquatic Vertebrate Platform was created on 2007 with funds from a Consolider-Ingenio Project (2007-2013) with Dr. José Luis Gómez-Skarmeta as coordinator. Ana Fernández-Miñán is the Scientific Manager of the Platform since January 2013.

For a list of publications click on the following link: fernandez-miñan - PubMed - NCBI.

Fig: CABD-UPO Aquatic Vertebrates Platform

The Platform is devoted to the study of developmental mechanisms in lower vertebrates within a technological environment in continuous growth. Due to its complexity and size, this facility is unique in Europe. Such an installation has allowed to over 30 national and international researches to develop part of their investigation projects at the CABD.

Expanded News available here.

1er Curso Práctico del CABD Introducción a modelos genéticos: De la levadura al ratón (6th-10th July 2015)

CABD Workshops : AVP2015 (July News)

2nd CABD Animal Experimentation Course
    (18th-29th May 2015)

3rd CABD Workshop: Applied Technologies for Aquatic Vertebrates
    (13th-16th April 2015)

CABD Workshops : AVP2015 (April-May News)

With the support of :

Sodispan. s.l. Research