Publications (2012-2017)
- Albarrán, C. Herrero, J. Ruiz-Castillo and Villar, A. (2017): The Herrero-Villar Approach to Citation Impact, Journal of Informetrics, vol. 11, pp. 625-640.
- Arrieta, A., García-Prado, A., González, P.and Pinto-Prades, J.L. (2017): “Risk Attitudes in Medical Decisions for Others: An Experimental Approach”. Health Economics, 26 (S3): 97-113, 2017.
- Aziz, H., Hougaard, J.L., Moreno-Ternero, J.D. and Østerdal, L.P. (2017): “Computational aspects of assigning agents to a line”. Mathematical Social Sciences (Special Issue in Honor of Hervé Moulin), Forthcoming.
- Brañas-Garza, P., Jiménez, N.and Ponti, P., (2017): Eliciting real-life social networks: a guided tour. Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy 1(1), 33-39.
- Chambers, C., and Moreno-Ternero, J.D., (2017): Taxation and Poverty. Social Choice and Welfare (Special Issue in Honor of William Thomson), Vol. 48, No. 1, 153-175.
- Charness, G., Cobo-Reyes, R., Jiménez, N., Lacomba, J.A. and Lagos, F., (2017): Job security and long-term investment: An experimental analysis. European Economic Review 95, 195-214.
- De la Rica, Sara and Rebollo-Sanz, Yolanda F(2017): Gender Differentials in Unemployment Ins and Outs during the Great Recession in Spain,” De Economist, Springer, vol. 165(1), pages 67-99, March.
- García-Pérez and Marisa Hidalgo-Hidalgo (2017): “No student left behind? Evidence from the Program for School Guidance in Spain” forthcoming Economics of Education Review.
- Ginsburgh, V., Moreno-Ternero, J.D., and Weber, S. (2017): “Ranking languages in the European Union: before and after Brexit”. European Economic Review, Vol. 93, 139-151.
- González de San Román, A. and Rebollo-Sanz, Yolanda F (2017): An estimation of worker and firm effects with censored data Bulletin of Economic Research, 0307-3378 DOI:10.1111/boer.12112.
- Hidalgo-Hidalgo, Marisa and Iñigo Iturbe-Ormaetxe (2017): “Long-run effects on poverty of public expenditure ” forthcoming The Journal of Economic Inequality.
- Hougaard, J.L., Moreno-Ternero, J.D., Tvede, M. and Østerdal, L.P. (2017): Sharing the proceeds from a hierarchical venture. Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 102, 98-110.
- Jiménez, N., (2017): Experimentos económicos en el Mercado Laboral. Revista de Economía Industrial 403, 71-80.
- Jiménez, N., Rodriguez-Lara, I., Tyran J.R. and Wengström E. (2017): Thinking fast, thinking badly. Economics Letters Forthcoming.
- Ju, BG. and Moreno-Ternero, J.D.(2017): Fair allocation of disputed properties, International Economic Review 58 (4), 1279-1301
- Menudo, J. M.and O’kean, J. Mª (2017): ”Entrepreneur et Capitaliste”, en André Tiran & Dimitri Uzunidis, Dictionnaire économique de l’entrepreneur, Paris, Éditions Classiques Garnier.
- Moreno-Ternero, J.D. (2017): A Talmudic Approach to Bankruptcy Problems in David Mueller and Ralf Trost (eds.), Game Theory in Management Accounting. 267-285. Springer.
- Moreno-Ternero, J.D.and Østerdal, L.P., (2017): A normative foundation for equity-sensitive health evaluation: the role of relative comparisons of health gains. Journal of Public Economic Theory, Vol. 19, No. 5, 1009–1025.
- Moreno-Ternero, J.D.and R Veneziani (2017): Social welfare, justice and distribution, Social Choice and Welfare 49 (3-4), 415-421
- Rebollo-Sanz, Y(2017): “Decomposing the structure of wages into firm and worker effects: some insights from a high unemployment economy”, International Journal of Manpower Vol. 38 Issue: 5, pp.765-787,
- Seth, S. and Villar, A. (2017) The Measurement of Human Development and Poverty, in C. D’Ambrosio (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Economic and Social Wellbeing, Edward Elgar, forthcoming.
- Seth, S. and Villar, A.(2017): Human Development, Inequality and Poverty: Empirical Findings, in C. D’Ambrosio (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Economic and Social Wellbeing, Edward Elgar, forthcoming (en col. con S. Seth).
- van den Brink, R. and Moreno-Ternero, J.D., (2017): “The reverse TAL-family of rules for bankruptcy problems”. Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 254, 449-465.
- Villar, A. (2017):Lectures on Inequality, Poverty and Welfare, Springer-Verlag.
- Villar, A. (2017): Performance, Inclusion and Excellence: An Index of Educational Achievements for PISA, Advances in Social Sciences Resarch Journal, vol. 4, pp. 100-125.
- Athanasiou, E., Moreno-Ternero, J.D., and Weber, S., (2016) Language learning and communicative benefits in Victor Ginsburgh and Shlomo Weber (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Economics and Language, Chapter 7, London.
- Bergantiños, G., and Moreno-Ternero, J.D., (2016) A new rule for the problem of sharing the revenue from museum passes. Operations Research Letters 44, 208-211.
- Felgueroso, F, Hidalgo-Pérez, M.A. and Jiménez-Martín, S. (2016): “The puzzling fall of the wage skill premium in Spain”, The Manchester School Vol 84 No. 3 390–435.
- García-Fontes, W., and Hidalgo-Pérez, M.A. (2016): “Estimating Human Capital Externalities: The Case of the Spanish Provinces, 1995-2010”, Revista de Economía Aplicada Número 71 (vol. XXIV), 2016, págs. 5 a 37
- González, P., Macho-Stadler, I. and Pérez Castrillo, D. (2016). “Private versus Social Incentives for Pharmaceutical Innovation”. Journal of Health Economics 50: 286–297.
- Hidalgo-Hidalgo, M.y G. Valera (2016): “University merging process: a guideline proposal for excellence-enhancing” The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 16(3): 1359–1386.
- Hidalgo-Pérez, M.A., M. O׳Kean and J. Rodríguez-López, (2016): Labor demand and ICT adoption in Spain, Telecommunications Policy, Volume 40, Issue 5, May 2016, Pages 450–470.
- Menudo, J.M.(2016): “Cartas españolas de Jean-Baptiste Say: Evidencias para el estudio de la circulación de ideas económicas”, Revista de Historia Económica – Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History, 34(2): 323-348.
- Menudo, J.M.and Nicolas Rieucau (2016), “A Previously Unpublished Correspondence between Adam Smith and Joseph Nicolas de Windischgrätz”, History of Political Economy, 49(1), 93-112.
- Rodríguez López, J.and M. Solís García (2016): “Accounting for Spanish Business Cycles”. Macroeconomic Dynamics, 20, Issue 3 (April), 685–714. Additional content: online technical appendix and MATLAB codes (ZIP file).
- Rodríguez-López, Jesús, Gustavo Marrero, Marina González and Teresa Leal (2016): “Road accidents and business cycles in Spain”. Accident Analysis and Prevention 96 (November 2016), 46-55.
- Villar, A. (2016): “Educational poverty as a welfare loss: Low performance in the OECD according to PISA 2012”, Modern Economy, 7, 441-449,
- Villar, A. (2016): “How bad is being poor for educational performance? A message from PISA 2012”. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, vol. 3, n. 3, 2016.
- Villar, A. y P. Zoido (2016): “Challenges to quality and equity in educational performance for Latin America, a PISA 2012 perspective”, RELIEVE (e-Journal of Educational Research, Assessment and Evaluation), DOI:
- Bergantiños, G., andMoreno-Ternero, J.D., (2015): The axiomatic approach to the problem of sharing the revenue from museum passes. Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 89, 78-92.
- Menudo, J.M(2015): “La science du commerce de A.-R.-J. Turgot”, Filosofía de la Economía, 4, 26-43.
- Menudo, J.M.(2015): “Correspondencia y Economía política en España (1809-1831). La relación epistolar con Jeremy Bentham y Jean-Baptiste Say”, Cuadernos de Ilustración y Romanticismo, 21, 2015: 109-120.
- Menudo, J.M. (2015): ”Jean-Baptiste Say sobre la decadencia y el progreso industrial de España”, Revista de Historia Industrial, 59, 2015: 13-38.
- Menudo, J.M.and R. Tortajada (2015): “Double Competition and Stability in Sir James Steuart”, History of Economic Ideas, 23(1), 2015: 39-58.
- Porteiro, N. y Antonio Villar(2015): “Appointment of High Court Judges by Political Parties”, SERIEs, vol. 6, pp. 91-99, 2015 (in col. with N. Porteiro).
- Porteiro, N. y Antonio Villar(2015): “Appointment of High Court Judges by Political Parties”, SERIEs, vol. 6, pp. 91-99.
- Areal, F.J., Riesgo, L.(2014): “Farmers’ views on the future of olive farming in Andalusia, Spain”. Land Use Policy, 36: 543-553.
- García Pérez, J.I. y A. Calo (2014): “On the welfare loss caused by inequality of opportunity”, The Journal of Economic Inequality, vol. 12(2), pag. 221-237.
- García Pérez, J.I.y V. Osuna (2014): “Dual Labour Markets and the Tenure Distribution: Reducing Severance Pay or Introducing a Single Contract”, Labour Economics, JCR, vol. 29, pag. 1-13.
- García Pérez, J.I., F. Muñoz y Prieto(2014): “The wage gap between foreign and Spanish nationals in Spain: An Analysis using matched employer-employee data”, International Migration, Vol 52-6, pp.165-179.
- García Pérez, J.I., M. Hidalgo-Hidalgo& J.A. Robles-Zurita (2014): “Does grade retention affect students’ achievement? Some evidence from Spain”, Applied Economics, JCR, vol. 46, pag. 1.373-1.392.
- González, P. (2014) “Physicians’ Simultaneous Practice in the Public and Private Sectors”. In: Anthony J. Culyer (ed.), Encyclopedia of Health Economics, Vol 3. San Diego: Elsevier; pp. 83-90.
- Herrero, C. and Villar, A. (2014): Equality of Opportunity with Categorical Data, Lecturas de Economía, vol. 81, pp. 9-30, 2014
- Herrero, C. and Villar, A. (2014): Equality of Opportunity with Categorical Data, Lecturas de Economía, vol. 81, pp. 9-30, 2014
- Herrero, C., Méndez, I. andVillar, A. (2014): Analysis of Group Performance with Categorical Data when Agents are Heterogeneous: The Evaluation of Scholastic Performance in the OECD through PISA, Economics of Education Review, vol. 40, pp. 140-151, 2014
- Herrero, C., Méndez, I. andVillar, A. (2014): Analysis of Group Performance with Categorical Data when Agents are Heterogeneous: The Evaluation of Scholastic Performance in the OECD through PISA, Economics of Education Review, vol. 40, pp. 140-151, 2014
- Herrero, C., Soler, A. & Villar(2014): Desarrollo y Pobreza en España y sus Comunidades Autónomas, Papeles de Economía Española, nº 138.
- Herrero, C., Soler, A. & Villar(2014): Desarrollo y Pobreza en España y sus Comunidades Autónomas, Papeles de Economía Española, nº 138.
- Hidalgo-Hidalgo, Marisa, (2014) Tracking can be more Equitable than Mixing, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 116 (4): 964-981.
- Hougaard, J.L.,Moreno-Ternero, J.D., and Østerdal, L.P., (2014) Assigning agents to a line. Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 87, 539-553.
- López Martorell, M.A., &M. O’Kean(2014): Rothschild strategies in international no-ferrous metal market (1830-1940). The Economic History Review.
- López-Pintado, D., andMoreno-Ternero, J.D., (2014): On discrimination in the optimal management of teams. Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol. 51, 154-162.
- Macho-Stadler, I., Pérez-Castrillo, D. and Porteiro, N. (2014) “Coexistence of long-term and short-term contracts”. Games and Economic Behavior, 86, July 2014: 145-164.
- Menudo, J.M.(2014): “Jean-Baptiste Say et les compétences entrepreneuriales pour l’industrialisation”, Innovations. Revue d’Économie et de Management de l’Innovation, 44 (2): 39-57.
- Menudo, J.M.and Rieucau, N. (2014): ”Une apologie par Condorcet des physiocrates”, Dix-huitième siècle, 46, 131-146.
- Molinari, B (2014): Sticky Information and Inflation persistence: Evidence from U.S. data, Empirical Economics, Vol. 46 N. 3,
- Rodríguez-López, J.(2014): “Productividad, ciclos e instituciones en España, 1976-2012”. Ekonomiaz 86, 2º semestre, 2014, 118-153.
- Villar, A.(2014), No es País para Jóvenes, Realidad Social, nº 20, pp. 53-69.
- Villar, A.(2014): Education and cognitive skills in the Spanish adult population. Intergenerational Comparison of Mathematical Knowledge form PIAAC Data, Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, vol. 1, nº 1, pp. 72-88, 2014.
- Villar, A.(2014): Igualdad de Oportunidades Educativas: Los Resultados de PISA 2012 en España, Avances en Supervisión Educativa, nº 20, Mayo 2014.
- Areal, F.J.;Riesgo, L. (2013) Rodríguez-Cerezo, E. “Economic and Agronomic Impact of commercialised GM crops: a meta-analysis”. Journal of Agricultural Science, 151: 7-33.
- García Pérez, J.I., S. Jiménez y Sánchez-Martín(2013): “Retirement incentives, individual heterogeneity and labour transitions of employed and unemployed workers”, Labour Economics, Vol. 20, pp. 106-120.
- González, P.and Macho-Stadler, I. (2013) “A Theoretical Approach to Dual Practice Regulations in the Health Sector”. Journal of Health Economics, 32 (1): 66-87.
- Herrero, C., & Villar, (2013): On the comparison of group performance with categorical Data. PloS one, 8(12), e84784.
- Herrero, C., Soler, A. and Villar, A.(2013), Desarrollo y Pobreza en España y sus Comunidades Autónomas: El Impacto de la Crisis, Papeles de Economía Española, nº 138, pp. 98-113.
- Hindriks, J., González, P. and Porteiro, N. (2013) “Fiscal Decentralization and Political Budget Cycles”. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 15 (6): 884-911.
- Hougaard, J.L., Moreno-Ternero, J.D., and Østerdal, L.P., (2013): Rationing with baselines: the composition extension operator, Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 211, No. 1, 179-191.
- Hougaard, J.L., Moreno-Ternero, J.D., and Østerdal, L.P., (2013): On the measurement of (multidimensional) inequality of health distributions. Research on Economic Inequality, Vol. 21, 111-129.
- Hougaard, J.L., Moreno-Ternero, J.D., and Østerdal, L.P., (2013): A new axiomatic approach to the evaluation of population health. Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 32, No. 3, 515-523.
- Hougaard, J.L., Moreno-Ternero, J.D., and Østerdal, L.P., (2013): Rationing in the presence of baselines. Social Choice and Welfare. Vol. 40, No. 4, 1047-1066.
- Le Breton M., Moreno-Ternero, J.D.,Savvateev, A., and Weber, S., (2013): Stability and fairness in models with a multiple membership. International Journal of Game Theory, Vol. 42, No. 3, 673-694.
- López Pintado, Dunia (2013): “Public goods in directed networks”. Economic Letters, Vol. 121, 160-162.
- López Pintado, Dunia y M. Jackson (2013): “Diffusion and contagion in networks with heterogeneous agents and homophily ” Network Science, Vol. 1, 49-67.
- Menudo, J.M.(2013): Processes of monetary exchange: some historical contributions to the disappearance of money in New contributions to monetary analysis: the foundation of an alternative paradigm. London, Routledge, 2013: 43-59
- Menudo, J.M.(2013): Market Stability in Adam Smith: Competitive Process and Institutions in Journal of Economic Issues, 47(3), 2013: 719-744
- Menudo, J.M.(2013): Sir James Steuart’s Theory of Justice in Economies et Sociétés, Histoire de la pensée économique,49, 2013: 1659-1679.
- Molinari, B., Rodríguez-López, J.& J.L. Torres (2013): Technology and Growth in Selected Pacific Countries, Japan and the World Economy, Vol. 28.
- Molinari, B., Rodríguez-López, J. and J.L. Torres (2013): “ICT over the business cycle”. The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics vol. 13 No 1.
- Moreno-Ternero, J.D.(2013): A new analysis of a simple model of fair allocation. Economics Letters, Vol. 118, No. 2, 393-395.
- Villar, A.(2013), Rendimiento, Esfuerzo y Productividad: Análisis de los resultados en matemáticas de los estudiantes españoles según PISA 2012, en INEE (2013), PISA 2012: Programa Internacional para la Evaluación de los Alumnos. Informe Español, vol II, Madrid 2013.
- Villar, A.(2013): The Educational Development Index, Modern Economy, vol. 4, pp. 403-411.
- Areal, F.J.; Riesgo, L.; Gómez-Barbero, M.; Rodríguez-Cerezo, E. (2012):“Adoption of GMHT crops: Coexistence policy consequences in the European Union”. Food Policy 37: 401-411.
- Gómez-Limón, J.A.;Riesgo, L. (2012) “Agriculture and Economics in the Water Framework Directive: Progress and Limitations”. Water Policy 14: 31-44.
- Gómez-Limón, J.A.; Riesgo, L. (2012): “Sustainability assessment of olive groves in Andalusia: A methodological proposal”. New Medit (Mediterranean Journal of Economics, Agriculture and Environment) 11(2): 39-49.
- Herrero, C., Martínez, R., & Villar(2012): A newer human development index. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 13(2), 247-268.
- Herrero, C., Martínez, R., & Villar(2012): A newer human development index. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 13(2), 247-268.
- Herrero, C., & Villar, (2013): On the comparison of group performance with categorical Data. PloS one, 8(12), e84784.
- Hidalgo-Hidalgo, Me Iñigo Iturbe-Ormaetxe (2012): “Should we transfer resources from college to basic education?”, Journal of Economics, 105 (1): 1-27, 2012.
- Hougaard, J.L., Moreno-Ternero, J.D., and Østerdal, L.P., (2012): A unifying framework for the problem of adjudicating conflicting claims. Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol. 48, No. 2, 107-114.
- López Pintado, Dunia : “An overview of diffusion in complex networks”, Vol. 683 of the series Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems pp. 27-48.
- López Pintado, Dunia (2012) “Influence networks”, Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 75, 776-787.
- López Pintado, Dunia: “Influence networks and public goods”. SERIEs: Journal of Spanish Economic Association, forthcoming.
- Moreno-Ternero, J.D.and Roemer, J., (2012): A common ground for resource and welfare egalitarianism. Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 75, No. 2, 832-841.
- Riesgo, L.; Areal, F.J.; Rodríguez-Cerezo, E. (2012): “How can specific market demand for non-GM maize affect the profitability of Bt maize and conventional? A case study for the middle Ebro Valley, Spain”. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 10(4): 867-876.
- Rodríguez López, J.and J.L. Torres (2012): “Technological sources of productivity growth in Japan, the U.S. and Germany”. Macroeconomic Dynamics vol. 16 No. 1, 133–150.
- Villar, A.(2012), Nuevos Indicadores de Bienestar Económico: el Enfoque Multidimensional, Extoicos, nº 5, págs.. 45-55.
- Villar, A.(2012), Salud y Desarrollo: Tasa de Mortalidad, Esperanza de Vida y Potencial de Vida, Cátedra de Economía de la Salud, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, 2012.