Transfer activities establish opportunities to increase interchange and mutual enrichment between academic and practical knowledge on urban policies in the EU. Specific training events try to increase the knowledge and spread the use of specific tools, methods and skills to analyse and evaluate European urban policies.
Urban DUSI lab: planning and evaluation of sustainable urban development.
EUrPol and the Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FAMP) have promoted the Urban DUSI Lab. This urban policy lab is a space for interchange and co-creation between research and practice in local policies oriented towards sustainable development, applying the integrated strategy in public policies, some of the main traits of the policy frame promoted by the European cohesion policy. Researchers and staff in charge of sustainable plans co-funded by EDRF have interchanged and discussed the foundation of these policies and have applied and validated some methodologies to evaluate them. Members of the EUrPol research team, researchers of the Urban Governance Lab and staff from the local governments of Conil de la Frontera, Córdoba, Martos, Montilla and the Province of Huelva, have participated in this urban policy lab. The main results of his work carried out in workshops during two years have been published in an open-access guide: Estrategias de desarrollo local sostenible. Apuntes sobre innovación en planificación, implementación y evaluación.
Practicum at the EUrPol in the Urban Governance Lab: training new professionals on European urban policies.
Students in the last years of their degrees in Sociology, Social Work, Political Science and Law have done their ‘practicum’ in the framework of EUrPol, acquiring analytical foundations and skills in studying urban policies. This activity is carried out under the supervision of the EUrPol research team and sharing ideas and methods of research projects developed in the Urban Governance Lab. This activity has been carried out during the last three academic years (2019-2020, 2020-21 and 2021-22). During the 2021-22 academic year, students have also participated in the URBAODS project with students from other Latin American universities under the general coordination of the Complutense University of Madrid (prof. Margarita Barañano) to develop practical instruments to analyse ODS and urban policies.
Other workshops with practitioners: tools to analyse add values of European urban initiatives.
Integrated Urban Development in the European Union: analysis and evaluation of initiatives developed in Spain (1994-2013).
Practitioners and researchers met to discuss t on methodological issues about the design and evaluation of integrated urban projects developed in the framework of European initiatives. Strategies to measure the main elements of this kind of project from a comparative perspective (policy frame, contents, design quality, integrated strategy,…), and impact assessment strategies applying quasi-experimental designs and comparative case studies were discussed. This workshop was held in collaboration with the Urban Impacts Project funded by MINECO (Government of Spain) and EDRF (European Union). A catalogue of projects shows geographical and socio-economic traits of neighbourhoods and the integrated urban strategies in Spain since 1990
The quality of urban policies design
EurPol and CADIPAT projects collaboarte in the International Workshop on The Quality Urban and Territorial Planning Design. Researchers and practitioners from six countries have assessed an evaluative system and a specific app to analyse the quality of integral urban policy design. Their suggestions helped to improve the initial proposal. A free tool to evaluate the quality of integrated urban policy design is available to policymakers, practitioners and researchers.
Sharing knowledge on European urban policies: EUrPOl research team participation in seminars and workshops for practitioners and the general public organised by other projects and institutions.
- Navarro, C.J.: Explicando las posibilidades e impactos de la participación pública en los gobiernos locales: mecanismos sociales e institucionales. Taller sobre Movimientos sociales, participación y género, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, 2 Octubre 2019.
- Navarro, C.J. and Fernández, M.: Políticas urbanas europeas y cetros históricos. La Semana de la HIstoria. Universidad Pablo de Olavide, 4 Marzo 2020.
- Navarro, C.J.: El nuevo policy frame de las políticas urbanas. Curso: ‘Repensando la administración ante los nuevos riesgos sociales y globales’, Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública y Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, 27-29 July 2020.
- Navarro, C.J.: El ‘valor añadido’ de los estrategias urbanas integrales y sostenibles, Jornada de revisión entre iguales. Las estrategias de desarrollo urbano sostenible integrado de Andalucía, Federación Andaluza de Municipios y Provincias, November 2020
- Navarro, C.J.: Workshop for the validation of the self-assessment tool (SAT) for sustainable urban development strategies designed by the Joint Research Centre, Joint Research Centre, July 2021.
- Navarro, C.J.: Procesos y actores en la innovación social, Curso experto universitario en innovación social, Universidad Pública de Navarra, October 2021
- Navarro, C.J.: Los rendimientos de los mecanismos de participación como experiencia de interacción entre ciudadanía y gobiernos locales, Jornadas: De la burbuja inmobiliaria al COVID-19: la innovación social urbana a caballo entre dos crisis, Institute for Advanced Social Research, UPNA, November 2021
- Navarro, C.J.: The voice of experience, Seminar on Self-Assessment Tool for Sustainable Urban Development strategies (SAT4SUD). Joint Research Centre and the Urban Development Network, European Commission, November 2021.
- Navarro, C.J.: Gobernanza, participación y políticas urbanas: ¿qué?, ¿quién?, ¿cómo?, III Jornada Jean Monnet Module CIVIPOL: Organizaciones de la sociedad civil y políticas públicas en la Unión Europea-Universidad de Cádiz. April 2022
- Rodríguez-García, M.J.: Cuidados y trabajo doméstico ¿Cómo organizar la sostenibilidad de la vida en el capitalismo patriarcal?. Ciclo Feminista de Preguntas urgentes, Universidad de Córdoba (Argentina). AECID. September 2021.