Estela Martín Ruel is a full-time lecturer in Translation in the Department of Languages and Translation at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO), Seville, where she has been teaching and carrying out research since 2005. Estela studied Translation and Interpreting at the University of Salamanca (Spain), where she taught from 2003 to 2005. She completed her PhD in 2012 at the University of Granada, with a thesis titled Incidencia del nivel de bilingüismo en las competencias del intérprete de conferencias. Un estudio francés-español. . She has worked as a professional translator and interpreter since 2000. From 2007 to 2017, she was a member of the INVESTIGACIONES DE LINGÜÍSTICA APLICADA research group (HUM- 787) at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide. A founding member of the INTERGLOSIA research group (HUM-996) at the UPO, since 2015 she has also been the Academic Coordinator for the UPO’s Master’s Degree in International Communication, Translation and Interpreting. Estela has taught translation and interpreting at postgraduate level at different institutions, including UIMP-ISTRAD. Her main fields of interest are professional intercultural communication processes, translation and interpreting teaching and learning, conference interpreting, and community interpreting.
Torrella Gutiérrez, Carmen y Ruel-Martín, Estela (2024). Defining the Notion of Interpreting Problem in Multi-party Interactions (IPMI). In A Qualitative Approach to Translation Studies: Spotlighting Translation Problems. Calvo, Elisa y De la Cova, Elena (Eds.). Routledge. ISBN: 9781032182483.
Relinque Barranca, Mariana; Martín Ruel, Estela (2022). Usage d’une langue véhiculaire dans l’accueil des demandeurs d’asile dans le sud de l’Espagne. In La traduction en contexte migratoire. Aspects sociétaux, juridiques et linguistiques. pp. 203-223. Frank & Timme.
Martín Ruel, Estela (2021). Andalusia, the Principal Gateway to Europe for Migrants and Refugees Arriving by Sea: Access to the Right to Interpreting Services in Reception Entities for International Asylum Seekers. In Interpreting Conflict: A Comparative Framework. pp. 251-271. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-3-030-66908-9.
Martín Ruel, Estela (2021). Aspectos deontológicos de los servicios de interpretación en entidades de acogida a solicitantes de protección internacional y personas refugiadas en Andalucía. In Hikma. 20 (2) pp. 229-253. ISSN: 1579-9794.
Martín Ruel, Estela (2020). Training in Deontological Requirements of Interpreters Dealing with Refugees: International Protection as an Opportunity for Social Entrepreneurship in Translation and Interpreting Studies in Spain. In HERMES - Journal of Language and Communication in Business. 60 pp. 155-170. ISSN: 1903-1785.
Martín Ruel, Estela (2017). De la consola a la interpretación automática: una panorámica de la evolución tecnológica en interpretación. In Cartografía de la traducción, la interpretación y las industrias de la lengua. pp. 217-230. Comares.