Integrated learning in controlled contexts for critical textual diagnosis for translation: human translator vs. generative artificial intelligence
Fomento de la interdisciplinariedad en la formación de intérpretes. Aproximación de estudiantes del Grado en Traducción e Interpretación al ámbito del Trabajo Social con víctimas de trata.
Deep Learning Translation: impact of automatic translation engines in translation teaching and learning processes.
Sistematización del análisis de problemas de traducción (ProblemTrad 2): dinámicas avanzadas para el trabajo autónomo en contextos virtuales.
El procedimiento penal con sujeto alófono como catalizador de la formación en competencias específicas y transversales de traductores-intérpretes y juristas.
New methodology for analysing translation problems to improve skills training in the translation classroom (ProblemTrad)
La retraducción de la literatura para la infancia y la juventud (LIJ) como instrumento de concienciación y crítica social.
Transcreation subordinate to the client’s specifications regarding creativity. “Creative indeed, but by my rules” (TeCreate-RS)
Multidisciplinary work on the process of assisting unaccompanied foreign minors (MENAs—Menores Extranjeros no Acompañados) in Andalusia in the areas of sociology, public law, and translation and Interpreting
Interdisciplinary training for interpreters and lawyers: the inclusion of a project on civil mediation, with the intervention of an interpreter, in the syllabuses of degrees in Law and Translation and Interpreting.
Retranslation as a validation tool in translation projects (TeCreaTe-R)
Intercultural and interlinguistic mediation in relation to sociological and legal studies and to processes of translation and interpreting when dealing with refugees and asylum seekers
Tutoriales para la autoevaluación en interpretación (AUTOEVINT)
When the client is always right: quality audits in the creative translation of digital content .
Translation and updating of material and working documents from the Seville Refugee Reception Centre (CAR—Centro de Acogida de Refugiados)
Creación de materiales para la práctica autónoma de la interpretación bilateral en contextos empresariales (español<>inglés).
Transcreation and creative translation: new translation roles, processes, and systems for digital marketing (TeCreaTe) (Translation in e-creative digital environments)
Corpus methodology as an innovative tool in teaching and in professional inverse translation practice