Research Projects


  • Ana Mayorgas Rodríguez (University Complutense of Madrid),  “Memory and historiography in Republican Rome “analyzes the cultural memory of the Republic and its use and instrumentalization by the oligarchy Type of participation in the R + D + I project: without participation.
  • Antonio Duplá Ansuategui (University of País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea), HAR2016-76940-P: “Violence in the Roman Republic “studies the use of violence as a rhetorical argument and the dehumanization of the adversary by late-republican speakers as a political weapon Type of participation in the R + D + I project: IP.
  • Antoni Ñaco del Hoyo (ICREA – University of Girona), PGC2018-098991-B-I00: “Spaces of integration in the Roman Republic (II): the NE of Hispania Citerior (133-72 BC)”. 2019-2021.


  • Cristina Rosillo López (University Pablo de Olavide), HAR2016-76882-P: “The real estate sector in the Roman world: an economic analysis; s. II a.C.-s. II dC “, aims to analyze the functioning mechanisms of the real estate market (especially the commercial real estate sector) and the role played by the State in the real estate crisis during Republican Rome Type of participation in the R + D + I project : IP.


  • Eduardo Sánchez Moreno (Univ. Autónoma de Madrid): “The diplomatic expression in the Western Mediterranean under the Roman expansion: the gift in its ideological and cultural context (3rd-1st centuries BC)”. PGC2018-096415-B-C21/22. 2019-2022.Study of the diplomatic gift -understood as an offering with political meaning- in the chronological context of the Roman-republican expansion (3rd-1st centuries BC) and in the geographical frame of the Mediterranean basin as a whole, analyzing its symbolic, juridical, ideological and cultural implications by means of a comparative research articulated in two subprojects. Subproject 1: “The diplomatic expression in the Western Mediterranean under the Roman expansion: the gift in its ideological and cultural context (3rd-1st centuries BC)” (Ref. PGC2018-096415-B-C21, Coordinator: Eduardo Sánchez Moreno, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid); 2: “The diplomatic expression in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean under the Roman expansion: the gift in its political and institutional context (3rd-1st centuries BC)” (Ref. PGC2018-096415-B-C22, IP: Enrique García Riaza, Universidad de las Islas Baleares).
  • Elena Torregaray Pagola (University of País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea), HAR2016-77882-P: “Friends and allies of Rome (III BC-I AD) “examines the role of women in Hellenistic and Roman diplomacy, especially their activity as mediators (internuntiae) and their relationship with concepts such as Concordia and Pronoia Type of participation in the project R + D + I: IP.


  • Enrique García Riaza (University of Illes Balears), HAR2015-66232-P: “Diplomacy and political communication in the West (3rd-2nd century BC) “aims to identify references in literary sources and, where appropriate, epigraphic, alluding to diplomacy and political interaction, systematizing the results obtained and conducting comparative and cross-sectional studies With specific character, the cases of the period 237-51 BC are analyzed in the territories of Galia Cisalpina, Liguria, Corsica, Sardinia, Balearic Islands, Iberian Peninsula, Galia Comata and Britania Cesariana Type of participation in the R + D + I project : IP.


  • Estela García Fernández (Univ. Complutense): Nuevas bases documentales para el estudio histórico de la Hispania romana de época republicana (III-I a.C.) Ref. HAR2015-66463-P.  2016-2019. The project New documentary basis for the study of the Republican Hispania: Onomastics and Latin citizenship (3rd – 1st c. BC) is part of a well-definied line of research that aims to study the spread of the Latin rights in the Roman provincial context. It assumes as starting point the idea of the application of a selective policy of colonial foundations and of granting of the Latin rights to some communities located in areas of early Roman occupation in Hispania in Republican times.


  • Fernando Wulff Alonso (University of Málaga), HAR2016-74930-P:  “The Greco-Roman sources of the Mahābhārata: methods of utilization, sources and chronological delimitation “study the confines of the Roman republican world, exploring the hypothesis of the use of Greco-Roman sources to construct the Mahābhārata, which would allow its dating.” Type of participation in the project R + D + I: IP.


  • Francisco Pina Polo (University of Zaragoza), “The Triumviral period and the collapse of the Roman Republic (43-31 BC): institutional, social and economical transformation”, (HAR2017-82383-P). Its goal is to approach some structural problems: changes in the Republican institutions, both in Rome and in the provinces of the Empire; legal nature of power attributed to the triumvirs; economic consequences in Rome and Italy, on the one hand by the damage caused by the constant wars, on the other hand by the proscriptions carried out by the triumvirs; transformation of Roman-Italian society; political propaganda carried out by various means, in particular through the oratory; the development of the concept itself of civil war; the role of women in the conflicts.
  • Pedro López Barja de Quiroga (University of Santiago de Compostela)“Latinos Junianos: definición e identificación epigráfica” (HAR2017-86523-P)This project concerns a little known group of freedmen who did not have the Roman citizenship but were Latins: the so-called Junian Latins. Despite the scant information that has been preserved on them (mainly in legal sources), we have reason to believe that they were much more numerous than what is seems at first glance, hence its importance: they give the lie to the idea, commonly admitted (even among historians of Rome) that all freed slaves reached the Roman citizenship.