Multiplier Event in Seville (Spain), 2nd June
This event is part of the Eramus+ Project “Promoting Inclusion to Combat Early School Leaving (PICESL)” (2019-1-ES01-KA201-065362) and aims to present the intellectual results with a broad audience, mainly in the field of education. It is also a space for reflection on the prevention of early school leaving and good practices to combat it.
The program is organized around various roundtables, in which each of the intellectual products generated during the development of the project will be presented. These products will be available to participants in the project website so that they could be used in their nearest environments.
The event is organized by the Study Group on Social and Educational Inclusion and Innovation (GEIISE) SEJ-633 of the University Pablo de Olavide (Spain), together with the eight partner organizations from six European countries: Spain, Croatia, Italy, Belgium, Portugal and the Netherlands.
* Programe and shedule:
* Registration here: