Rosa Rodríguez-Izquierdo
Professor at the Department of Education and Social Psychology of the Universidad Pablo Olavide Sevilla and leader of the project, Spain

Mialy Dermish
Executive Director at the SIRIUS Policy Network on Migrant Education, Belgium

Tihana Magas
Teacher at Gimnazija Vladimira Nazora Zadar, Croatia

Barry Van Driel
President at International Association of Intercultural Education, The Netherlands

Matea Kolanović
Teacher at Gimnazija Vladimira Nazora, Zadar, Croatia

Cristina Peguero
Teacher at Malala school, Spain

Giuseppe Virone
Teacher at I.C.S. “Giovanni Falcone”, Palermo (Italy)

Claudia La Paglia
Teacher at I.C.S. “Giovanni Falcone”, Palermo (Italy)

Paula Cristina Medeiros
Teacher at Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti: ESEPF

Martha Montero-Sieburth
Lecturer in Social Sciences and Humanities at Amsterdam University College. From 2007 to 2016, she was a Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Migration.

Maria Helena Teixeira Garcia
Adjunct Director. Agrupamento de Escolas do Cerco, Portugal.

Miguel Prata Gomes
Teacher at -Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti, Porto, Portugal

Helena Maria Marantes Pimenta Bragança Santos
Primary school teacher, with Training in School Administration and Postgraduate in Pedagogical Supervision. Deputy Director in Agrupamento de Escolas do Cerco do Porto, Porto.

Nektaria Palaiologou
From 2006 until 2020 she was Assoc. Prof. of Intercultural Education (IE) at the Department of Early Childhood Education of the School of Education at the University of Western Macedonia (UoWM). From 2016 she was part-time Assoc. Prof. of Intercultural Education (IE) at Languages, Refugees and Migrants (L.R.M.) Program at Helenic Open University (H.O.U.) and from 2021 she is affiliated at HOU as full-time Assoc. Professor. Hellenic Open University

Domiziana Turcatti
Doctoral candidate in Migration Studies at the Centre on Migration Policy and Society (COMPAS), University of Oxford.