Comprehensive sexuality education
A means to freedom
UPN, LIE, Comprehensive sexuality education, Diversity, Sexual and reproductive rightsAbstract
The shared experience refers to fifteen years of work in the field of sexuality, teaching the course "Sexuality Education" at Unit 31-A of the National Pedagogical University (UPN), Valladolid Branch, in the state of Yucatan, Mexico. The teaching of the course is strengthened by the focus on comprehensive sexuality education and is recognised as a necessary field of knowledge to be addressed in the academic training of people who are trained as Graduates in Educational Intervention (LIE) at the National Pedagogical University, by the changes in the way of recognising, understanding and accepting diversity in all its expressions in the thinking of the students who take the course, it is appreciated and valued that this training space better equips the students for their future action in the labour field. In addition to learning about their own bodies and sexuality, those who take this course are empowered as sexuality educators who can provide support to others who are experiencing violence of any kind or who have doubts about their sexual and reproductive rights.
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