The migrant woman in the novel "Las voces del estrecho" by Andrés Sorel
image, imagology, immigration, migrant, woman, novelAbstract
The main objective of this article is to analyze the image that is constructed of the migrant woman, with the discourse on otherness being one of the constant themes in contemporary Spanish literature on immigration. It is in this context that Andrés Sorel's work Las voces del Estrecho expresses the image of the Other, especially that of the migrant woman. Although the author clearly shows solidarity with immigrants, the presence of stereotypes, prejudices and xenophobia that contribute especially to gender violence, exclusion and marginalization is obvious. Consequently, we attempt to analyze the representation of migrant women in Spanish society, through the methodological approach of imagology, whose importance lies in the study of the image of the Other in literary texts, following the analysis proposed by the French scholar Daniel Henri-Pageaux.
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