Intersectional feminism in the spanish compulsory education curriculum
The case of LOMLOE
Gender equality, cultural diversity, educational policy, curriculum, documentary analysis, intersectionalityAbstract
This paper has two objectives. First, to analyse how the LOMLOE integrates the intersectional perspective when addressing gender equality. Second, to identify how the Royal Decrees on minimum education standards for compulsory education in Spain relate gender equality and diversity to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This research has carried out a Documentary Analysis using MAXQDA Analytics Pro 2024 of these policies. During the coding process, five families were established: subject, curricular elements, gender equality, diversity and risk factors (structural and individual). At the same time, a linguistic analysis was carried out using the Sketch Engine programme to identify the grammatical relationships and linguistic patterns of the two key concepts of the research: diversity and gender. The results prove that LOMLOE integrates a gender perspective, but it focuses on individual factors (e.g. ethnocultural, bodily) over structural ones. On the other hand, to the SDGs linked to diversity and gender are scarce. In conclusion, the incorporation of the intersectional perspective into Spanish compulsory education contribute to make visible the oppression suffered by vulnerable groups.
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