Call for papers 10th CSEAR Spain Conference

10th Spanish Conference on Social and Environmental Accounting Research

X Reunión de Investigación en Contabilidad Social y Medioambiental

September, 17-18, 2015

CICSMA – Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain

Since 1997, the Centro de Investigación en Contabilidad Social y Medioambiental (CICSMA) and the Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research (CSEAR) support the bi-annual Spanish Conference on Social and Environmental Accounting Research.

The purpose of the Conference is to provide a forum for the discussion and promotion of research in social and environmental accounting. To this aim, the Conference will provide the opportunity to present emerging research projects and academic papers ready to be submitted to journals for their discussion and improvement with a view in their future publication in academic journals. The approach of the conference is interdisciplinary and focuses on a high level of interaction, discussion and debate in a friendly and supportive atmosphere.

The 10th CSEAR Spain Conference on Social and Environmental Accounting Research will be held the 17th and 18th of September, 2015 in Pablo de Olavide University headquarters in the city of Carmona, organized by CICSMA and Pablo de Olavide University.

For this 10th CSEAR Spain Conference, we are pleased to welcome Prof. Robin Roberts, University of Central Florida, as our plenary speaker.

Submissions are welcome in either Spanish or English.

Dates to remember

  • May 15, 2015: full paper or abstract (300 words) submission deadline
  • June 1, 2015: response to authors
  • June 30, 2015: registration deadline

Organizing Committee: Carmen Correa y Esther Albelda.

Contact information:

Full details will be available on the conference website:

The call for paper can be downloaded here.

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