Seville, 12 March 2021
The secretary-general of the Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FAMP), Teresa Muela, and the head of EUrPol (Jean Monnet Chair of Urban Policies in the European Union), Clemente Navarro, have inaugurated this Friday the first Urban Dusi-Lab workshop. This Lab aims to develop tools to analyse the design, implementation and evaluation of integral urban policies to promote sustainable urban development. This workshop is part of the collaboration agreement signed last November between the FAMP and the Centre for Sociology and Local Policies of the Pablo Olavide University (UPO) in Seville to develop a common institutional collaboration framework on integrated and sustainable urban development policies.
In the Lab participate Conil de la Frontera, Cordoba, Montilla and Martos. According to different criteria (population, geographic, territorial and administrative), these municipalities have been selected to represent the Andalusian local reality as faithfully as possible. This study aims to establish collaborative work between the EUrPol, FAMP and EDUSIs teams to develop shared knowledge on tools to analyse integral and sustainable urban policy strategies. Several workshops will be held from March to November 2021, focusing on three aspects of DUSI strategies: the quality of the design, the intervention logic and the evaluation of specific objectives. In this first workshop, the quality of the strategies design was discussed in the framework of integrated and sustainable urban development and the New Urban Agenda guidelines.
The Jean Monnet Chair in Urban Policies in the European Union of the UPO (EUrPol) is a project funded by the European Commission to develop an area of study on Urban Policies in the European Union oriented to sustainable urban development.