Sevilla, 1 June 2021.
After the success of the first edition, the registration period for the 2nd edition of the course “Urban Policies of the European Union: Fundamentals and Methods of Analysis” opened on 28 May 2021 and will be open until 17 June 2021. This Specific Training Activity (AFE), framed within the continuing education programmes of the Centre for Postgraduate Studies (CEDEP) of the Pablo de Olavide University and developed by the Jean Monnet Chair in Urban Policies in the European Union (EUrPol), will be taught online from 21 June to 12 July 2021.
The general objectives of the course are to understand the general framework in which the urban policies of the European Union are developed and to train in methods and tools for the analysis and evaluation of the impact of the urban policies of the European Union and it is aimed at both technicians and those responsible for urban policies, as well as graduates* of any degree, especially in Sociology, Political Science and Social Work.
You can consult all the information on the course and self-register by clicking on the following link: AFE Políticas Urbanas de la Unión Europea
(*) Exceptionally, provided that there are places available, students who have completed their studies in the current academic year may be admitted on presentation of certification of having passed all the subjects required to obtain the Degree.