
Who is Icarea?

Icárea is composed of three consolidated research groups, dedicated to the areas of History, Languages and Mathematics. These groups are:

Quadratura (HUM647): devoted to the diffusion of the artistic and cultural heritage of Andalucía through the award-winning project Visibilia. Director: Prof. D. Arsenio Moreno Mendoza.

Contrastive grammar: English-Spanish (HUM 269) specializing in linguistic research with focus on bilingualism and language acquisition. The group has been involved with the European Language Council and various European thematic projects. Director: Dª Montserrat Martínez Vázquez.

Quantitative Methodologies in Business and Economics (SEJ332) dedicated to research on the teaching and learning of mathematics. Director: Prof. Dª. Mª Flor Guerrero.

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