Projected activities
Projected activity
- Centre activities: research or transfer conducted by members within the fields of interest of Icárea. Rresearch undertaken in other fields will not be subsumed into ICAREA activities.
- Funding: All research undertaken by members related with the research fields of Icárea will be considered activity of the centre whatever the funding source. Centre research not funded with the centre’s own resources will adhere to guidelines stipulated by the members involved and will be considered autonomous but will be reflected in the annual report of Icárea.
- Calls for research: the Consejo de Centro will periodically convene open meetings at which members will be invited to submit research proposals. The Consejo, on behalf of the centre, will endeavour to obtain funding for the execution of the projects which have been presented. In order to qualify for approval, projects will be constituted by the members signing the research proposal. These members will be autonomous in the execution and development of the project, as well as in the creation of the research team.
- The Consejo de Centro will convene a meeting once each quarter, in order to report on the presentation and development of projects. With this same purpose, the Asamblea de Centro will be held at least once a year.
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