Estudios sobre Europa,
el mundo mediterráneo
y su difusión atlántica
(HUM 680)
Yasmina Rocío Ben Yessef Garfia
(Seville, 1982). Degree in Humanities from the Pablo de Olavide University in Seville (2005). PhD in the programme “Europa, el Mundo Mediterráneo y su Difusión Atlántica” by the Pablo de Olavide University (2015) with the thesis A Genoese family between the Republic and the Hispanic Monarchy: Battista Serra as a model of transnational network in a polycentric system (late 16th – mid 17th century) (2015). The thesis was awarded the Extraordinary Doctoral Prize in 2016. Since September 2023 she is a full time researcher (type A) at the Department of Studi Umanistici of the University of Naples Federico II. At this university she has been a postdoctoral researcher in the ERC project Disasters, Communication and Politics in Southwestern Europe (DisComPoSe) from 2020 to 2023 and a contract lecturer of the subject Storia Moderna (60 hours) in the degree of Archeologia, Storia dell’Arte e Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale (academic year 2022/2023). She has carried out predoctoral and postdoctoral research stays at the Universities of Valladolid, Pisa, Genoa and Federico II of Naples, at the Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología in Rome (CSIC), at the University of Cukurova (Adana, Turkey) and at Neapolitan institutions such as the Archivio Banco di Napoli, the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici “Benedetto Croce” and the Società Napoletana di Storia Patria.
She is part of and has participated in several research projects based in different European universities (Pablo de Olavide University of Seville, University of Alcalá, Complutense University of Madrid, University of Almería, University of Alicante, University of Tours and University of Naples Federico II). She is currently a researcher on the Spanish projects HISFIMED (The Hispanic Monarchy, the circulation of precious metals and financial globalisation in the Mediterranean (1568-1798) (Complutense University)) and Catastrophes of climatic and natural causes, emergency management and political, scientific and religious discourses in the western Mediterranean and Hispanic America, 18th century (University of Alicante). She is also a researcher for the Red Columnaria, within the nodes “Welfare Institutions and the Economy of Charity in the Iberian Monarchies” and “People and Spaces. Mobility and connections in the Iberian monarchies”.
She is the author of two monographs, numerous book chapters and articles published in various indexed journals, as well as the coordinator of a two-volume book and reviewer of books and articles for national and international publishers and journals.