


  • Moreno, M., Ortiz, R., Cagigas-Muñiz, D., Becerra, J., Martin, J. M., Prieto, A. J., ... & Ortiz, P.. ART-RISK 3.0 a fuzzy—based platform that combine GIS and expert assessments for conservation strategies in cultural heritage. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2022, 55, 263-276.
  • Moreno, M., Prieto, A. J., Ortiz, R., Cagigas-Muñiz, D., Becerra, J., Garrido-Vizuete, M. A., ... & Ortiz, P. Preventive conservation and restoration monitoring of heritage buildings based on fuzzy logic. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2022, 1-18.
  • Moreno, M., Bertolín, C., Ortiz, P., & Ortiz, R. Satellite product to map drought and extreme precipitation trend in Andalusia, Spain: A novel method to assess heritage landscapes at risk. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2022, 110, 102810.
  • Moreno, M., Ortiz, R., & Ortiz, P. Review of satellite resources to assess environmental threats in rammed earth fortifications. Ge-conservacion, 2022, 21(1), 309-328.
  • Diaz, G. A., Ortiz, R., Moreno, M., & Ortiz, P. Vulnerability Assessment of Historic Villages in the Amazonas Region (Peru). International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2022, 1-21.
  • Ortiz, R., Moreno, M., Becerra, J., & Corona, S. El análisis de riesgos en los centros históricos: estudio de las fortificaciones urbanas del centro histórico de Sevilla. PH: Boletín del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico, 2021, 29(104), 342-361.
  • Moreno, M., Ortiz, R., & Ortiz, P. (2021). Incendios en paisajes patrimoniales naturales: análisis y evaluación de riesgos en fortificaciones mediante el uso del Global Wildfire Information System. PH: Boletín del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico, 2021, 29(104), 413-419.
  • Prieto AJ, Turbay I, Ortiz R, Chávez M-J, Macías-Bernal, JM, Ortiz P. A fuzzy logic approach to preventive conservation of cultural heritage churches in Popayán, Colombia. Internacional Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2020.
  • Prieto AJ, Macías-Bernal JM, Silva A and Ortiz P. Fuzzy decision-support system for safeguarding tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Sustainability, 2019.
  • Livio Ferrazza, María T. Pastor Valls, Gemma M. Contreras Zamorano, David Juanes Barber, Roxana Radvan, AlexandruChelmus, LucianRatoiu, LuminitaGhervase, IoanaMaria Cortea, and Pilar Ortiz. Multidisciplinary Approach Applied to the Diagnosis of the Facade of the Arciprestal Church of Santa María de Morella (Castellón, Spain), Scanning, 2019,
  • Gil-Torrano, A., Gómez-Morón, A., Martín, J.M., Ortiz, R., FuertesSantos, M.C. and Ortiz, P. “Characterization of Roman and Arabic MuralPaintings of the Archaeological Site of Cercadilla (Cordoba,Spain),”Scanning, vol. 2019, Article ID 3578083, 14 pages, 2019.
  • I. Turbay, J.M. Martín, I. Carrrasco, A. Fernández-Ugalde, J. Becerra*, R. Ortiz, P. Ortiz. Quarry identification and characterization of 2nd century A.D. Roman granite columns from Ecija (Spain), Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 19, No 3, 2019, pp. 157-172.
  • Prieto AJ,Macías-Bernal JM, Chávez MJ, Alejandre FJ and Silva A. Impact of maintenance, rehabilitation and other interventions in the functionality of heritage buildings. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2019.
  • Prieto AJ,Vásquez V, Silva A, Horn A, Alejandre FJ, Macías-Bernal JM.Protection value and functional service life of heritage timber buildings.Building Research & Information, 2019
  • A. Moropoulou, E. Zendri, P. Ortiz, E. Delegou, I. Ntoutsi, E. Balliana, J. Becerra, R. Ortiz. Scanning microscopy techniques as an assessment tool of materials and interventions for the protection of built cultural heritage. Scanning, Article ID 5376214, 2019, pp. 1-20.
  • Moreno, M., Ortiz, P. and Ortiz, R. Vulnerability study of earth walls in urban fortifications using cause-effect matrix an the GIS: The case of Seville, Carmona and Estepa defensive fences.  Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry Vol. 19, No 3, (2019), pp. 119-138 Open Access. Online & Print. 
  • P. Ortiz, R. Ortiz, J.M. Martín, R. Rodríguez-Griñolo, M.A. Vázquez, M.A. Gómez-Morón, M. Sameo, L. Loza, C. Guerra, J.M. Macias, J. Becerra*. The Hidden Face of Cultural Heritage: a science window for the dissemination of elementary knowledge of risk and vulnerability in cultural heritage, Heritage Science, Vol. 6, No 60, 2018, pp. 1-15,
  • Ortiz, J.M.Macías-Bernal, P. Ortiz. Vulnerability and buildings service life applied to preventive conservation in cultural heritage. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 2018, 9, 31-47.
  • Becerra, A.P. Zaderenko, M.J. Sayagués, R. Ortiz, P. Ortiz. Synergy achieved in silver-TiO2 nanocomposites for the inhibition of biofouling on limestone. Build. Environ. 2018, 141, 80-90. 
  • Prieto AJ, Macías-Bernal JM, Chávez MJ, Alejandre FJ, Silva A. Impact of maintenance activities in the functionality of heritage buildings. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2018. (just-accepted for publication).
  • Prieto AJ, Silva A, de Brito J, Macías-Bernal JM. Serviceability of facade claddings. Building Research & Information. 2018. DOI: 10.1080/09613218.2016.1264808.
  • Prieto AJ, Silva A, de Brito J, Macías-Bernal JM, Alejandre FJ. The influence of pathological situations on churches’ functionality: an approach based on historical records. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2017. DOI: 10.1080/15583058.2016.1272011. 
  • Prieto, A. J., Silva, A., de Brito, J., Macías-Bernal, J. M., Alejandre, F. J. "Multiple linear regression and fuzzy logic models applied to the functional service life prediction of cultural heritage." Journal of Cultural Heritage (2017): (just-accepted for publication).
  • Ortiz, P. Ortiz, J.M. Martin, M.A. Vázquez. A new approach to the assessment of flooding and dampness hazards in cultural heritage, applied to the historic centre of Seville (Spain).  Sci Total Environ, 2016, 551,:546-555. 


Conferences and Workshops


  • B. Rodríguez, A. E. Cepero, D. Abreu, P. Ortiz, R. Ortiz y J. Becerra, Vulnerability analysis of three domes and a corridor at National Schools of Arts (Cubanacan, La Habana, Cuba) en Science and Digital Technology for Cultural Heritage. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020, pp. 399-403.
  • D. Abreu, B. Rodríguez, P. Ortiz,R. Ortiz y A. E. Cepero, Vulnerability of The Thomas Terry Theather (Cienfuegos, Cuba). en Science and Digital Technology for Cultural Heritage. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020, pp. 399-403.
  • Gomez-Morón, M.A., Schibille, N., Alves, L.C., Bouzas, A., Ortiz, P., Vilarigues, M., Palomar, T. Characterization of glass tesserae from the Mosque of Cordoba), Science and Digital Technology for Cultural Heritage - Interdisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis, Vulnerability, Risk Assessment and Graphic Information Models. London: CRC Press, Ortiz Calderón, P. (Ed.), Pinto Puerto, F. (Ed.), Verhagen, P. (Ed.), Prieto, A. J. (Ed.). (2020).
  • Gomez-Moron, A., Ortiz, P., Ortiz, R., Becerra, J., Gómez-Cañada, R., Radvan, R., Chelmus,A., Ratoiu,L., Ghervase,L., Maria Cortea,I.,Constantin, C.andAngheluta, L. Non destructive techniques applied to in situ study of Maqsura at Cordoba Cathedral (Spain), Science and Digital Technology for Cultural Heritage - Interdisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis, Vulnerability, Risk Assessment and Graphic Information Models. London: CRC Press, Ortiz Calderón, P. (Ed.), Pinto Puerto, F. (Ed.), Verhagen, P. (Ed.), Prieto, A. J. (Ed.). (2020).
  • Tirado-Hernández, A., Becerra, J., Ortiz, R. & Ortiz, P., Gomez-Moron, A., Ghervase, L., Cortea, I., Chelmus, A., &Radvan, R, In situ study by XRF and LDV of mural paintings in Magdalena church (Seville, Spain). Science and Digital Technology for Cultural Heritage - Ortiz Calderón et al. (Eds). 2020. Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-367-36368-0.
  • Tirado-Hernández, A., Becerra, J., Ortiz, R. & Ortiz, P., Gomez-Moron, A., Ghervase, L., Cortea, I., Angheluta, L. &Radvan, R. Non-destructive techniques applied to the study and diagnosis of ceramic and glazed terracotta tombs in Omniumn Sanctorum church (Seville, Spain).  Science and Digital Technology for Cultural Heritage - Ortiz Calderón et al. (Eds). 2020. Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-367-36368-0.
  • Tirado-Hernández, A., Becerra, J., Ortiz, R. & Ortiz, P., Ratoiu, L., Chelmus, A., &Radvan, R, Interlaboratory experience to evaluate the vulnerability of churches in Seville (Spain).  Science and Digital Technology for Cultural Heritage - Ortiz Calderón et al. (Eds). 2020. Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-367-36368-0.
  • J. Benítez, R. Ortiz & P. Ortiz. Indicators, sustainability and vulnerability in the diagnosis of historical cities.  Science and Digital Technology for Cultural Heritage - Ortiz Calderón et al. (Eds). 2020. Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-367-36368-0.
  • J. Benítez, A. Tirado-Hernández, R. Ortiz, M. Moreno, P. Ortiz, I. Turbay& M.A. Garrido-Vizuete.  Social opinion of monuments vulnerability in historical cities.  Science and Digital Technology for Cultural Heritage - Ortiz Calderón et al. (Eds). 2020. Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-367-36368-0.
  • Tirado, A, R. Ortiz, R. & P. Ortiz, P.  3D Laser scanning applied to diagnosis in vaults. 2018. Conserving Cultural Heritage- Mosquera &Almoraima Gil (Eds. Taylor & Francis Grou. London, ISBN 978-1-138-06744-8, recibiéndose en 2019.
  • Prieto AJ, Ortiz R, Macías-Bernal JM, Chávez M-J and Ortiz P. Artificial intelligence applied to the preventive conservation of heritage buildings.4thTechnoHeritage 2019 International Congress on Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage.Seville, Spain, 26-30 March 2019. ISBN: 978-0-367-36368-0.
  • Ortiz R.  Ortiz P. Benítez J. Turbay I. Tirado-Hernandez A. Vulnerability, Digital Image Analysis and 3D-Documentation Applied to the Study of Building Resilience. Resilience and sustainability of cities in hazardous environments. Nápoles (Italia) 26-30 Nov 2018 ISBN 978-88-903183-1-3
  • Turbay I. Ortiz R. Ortiz P.  Assessment of Vulnerability Index Applied to Churches of 18th Century in the Historic Center of Popayan (Colombia). Resilience and sustainability of cities in hazardous environments. Nápoles (Italia) 26-30 Nov 2018 ISBN 978-88-903183-1-3
  • Ortiz R., Garrido-Vizuete M.A, Prieto A.J, Macias-Bernal J.M, Becerra J., Benítez J., Gómez-Moron M.A., Martin J.M., Segura-Pachon D., Tirado-Hernández A., Turbay I., Chavez M.J,Cagias-Muñiz D., Vázquez González A., Contreras-Zamorano G.M., Cisternas V., Ortiz P.Preventive Conservation of Monuments Based on DELPHI Method and Fuzzy Logic. Resilience and sustainability of cities in hazardous environments. Nápoles (Italia) 26-30 Nov 2018 ISBN 978-88-903183-1-3
  • Cagigas-Muñiz D. Martin J.M. Prieto A.J. Romero A. Ortiz R. Macias-Bernal J.M. Ortiz P. A New Tool Based on Artificial Intelligence and GIS for Preventive Conservation of Heritage Buildings. Resilience and sustainability of cities in hazardous environments. Nápoles (Italia) 26-30 Nov 2018 ISBN 978-88-903183-1-3
  • P. Ortiz, J. Becerra, R. Ortiz. About Risk and Vulnerability Assessment. A proposal for Brâncuşi's masterpieces at Târgu-Jiu (Romania) enBrâncuşilnternational Colloquium - 80 years since the inauguration of the Monumental Ensemble The Avenue of Heroes. Centrul de Cercetare, Documentare şiPromovare “ConstantinBrâncuşi”, 2018, In press, ISBN: 978-605-94746-0-0
  • P. Ortiz, R. Ortiz, A.E. Cepero, B. Rodríguez, I. Salgado, D. Abreu, J. Becerra. Risk and vulnerability of contemporary art: a new challenge? Studies in Contemporary art Ageing Journal, Vol. 1, 2018, pp. 3-14.Studies on Contemporary Art Ageing (Online).
  • Prieto AJ, Vásquez V, Horn A, Silva A, Alejandre FJ, Macías-Bernal JM. Characterization of the main anomalies in timber external claddings. A case study, the city of Valdivia, Austral region of Chile. Congreso Euro-Americano REHABEND 2018. Cáceres, Spain, 15-18 May 2018.
  • Prieto AJ, Macías-Bernal JM, Alejandre FJ, Silva A, Chávez, M-J. Evaluación de los costes de mantenimiento y restauración de edificios patrimoniales. PATORREB 2018 – 6º Congreso de Patología y Rehabilitación de Edificios. Río de Janeiro, Brazil, 04-06 April 2018.
  • Prieto AJ and Silva A. Service life prediction of external timber claddings. CIB Symposium on Durability and Climate Change 2018. National Research Council of Canada (NRCC), Ottawa, Canada, 19-23 September 2018. ISBN: 978-90-803-022-80.
  • Vásquez V, Valdebenito G, Prieto AJ. Riesgo sísmico y patrimonio local. La central hidroeléctrica Llollelhue. 8º Encuentro Internacional Diseño Urbano 2018, Iquique, Chile 17-19 October 2018.
  • il Torrano A, Martin J.M, Ortiz R, Ortiz P. Characterization of Roman mural paintings from the archaeological site of Cercadilla (Cordoba, Spain). 3rd TechnoHeritage 2017 International Congress on Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Cádiz, Spain, 20-24 May 2017.
  • Prieto, A. J., Macías-Bernal, J. M., Alejandre, F. J. and Silva, A. A fuzzy expert system in buildings serviceability. XIV DBMC – lnternational Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components. Ghent, Belgium, 29-31 May 2017.
  • Prieto, A. J., Macías-Bernal, J. M., Chávez, María-José, Alejandre, F. J., Silva, A. and Ortiz, P. Fuzzy logic applied to the analysis of the heritage buildings’ performance. 3rd TechnoHeritage2017 International Congress on Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Cádiz, Spain, 20-24 May 2017.
  • Benítez, J., Ortiz, R., Ortiz, P. Vulnerability study of three monumental gates from XII century (Marchena, Spain). Technoheritage 2017 – 3rd International congress science and technology for the conservation on cultural heritage. 20-24 May 2017, Cádiz, Spain.
  • Tirado, A., Ortiz, R., Ortiz, P. “3D laser scanning applied to diagnosis in vaults”. TechnoHeritage 2017 – 3rd International Congress Science and Technology for the Conservation on Cultural Heritage. 20-24 May 2017, Cádiz, Spain.
  • Alejandre F. J., Chávez M.-J., Macías-Bernal J. M., Prieto A. J. Functional Service Life of Buildings using Fuzzy. Workshop RTRT 16: Ramsey Theory and Related Topics. Seville, Spain, 24-27 Oct 2016. (Poster).

  • Ortiz R & Ortiz P.  How to evaluate and mitigate vulnerability of historical buildings. A Spanishprojectexperience.  Enea. Energia ambiente e innovazione. 2016.
  • Prieto, A. J., Chávez, M.-J, Garrido-Vizuete, M. A., Macías-Bernal, J. M. and Cagigas- Muñiz, D. Time Series on Functional Service Life of Buildings using Fuzzy Delphi Method. Comunicación en Congreso. CMMSE 2016 – 16th International Conference Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering. Rota, Cádiz, Spain, 4-8 July 2016. ISBN: 13-978-84-608-6082-2.
  • Tirado, A. “Riesgo Sísmico y Conservación Preventiva”. Revista de Ciencias de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide, MoleQla, 2016, 24: 40-42
  • Vulnerability analysis of monuments based on DELPHI method and Fuzzy Logic. Oral presentation. Conference: European Materials Research Society. Authors: Rocío Ortiz, Juan Manuel Macías, Pilar Ortiz. See more at: materials-research-society#sthash.mxDRIwQT.dpuf
  • Vulnerability, digital image analysis and 3D-documentation applied to the study of building diagnosis. Oral presentation. Conference: European Materials Research Society. Authors: R. Ortiz, P. Ortiz, M.A. Vázquez, J. M. Martín, A. Tirado. See more at: materials-research-society#sthash.mxDRIwQT.dpuf
  • Vulnerability Assessment Tools: forecasting and artificial intelligence. Oral presentation. Conference: 41st IAHS World Congress. Urban Risk Reduction and Resilience. Authors: Rocío Ortiz, Juan Manuel Macías, Pilar Ortiz.




  • Calderón, P. O., Puerto, F. P., Verhagen, P.,& Prieto, A. J. (Eds.). (2019). Science and Digital Technology for Cultural Heritage-Interdisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis, Vulnerability, Risk Assessment and Graphic Information Models: CRC Press. Taylor &Francis DOI: 10.1201/9780429345470. ISBN: 978-0-429-34547-0.First Published: 2019. eBook Published: 28 November 2019. Pub. Location: London. Imprint: CRC Press. Pages-484 pages. eBook ISBN9780429345470
  • Ortiz Calderón, Pilar; Macías Bernal, Juan Manuel; Ortiz Calderón, Rocío; Prieto Ibáñez, Andrés J.; Garrido Vizuete, María Ángeles; Cagigas Muñiz, Daniel; Martín Ramírez, José María; Becerra Luna, Javier; Turbay Varona, Isabel; Gómez Morón, Auxiliadora; Vázquez González, María Auxiliadora; Segura Pachón, Dolores; Chávez De Diego, María José; Contreras Zamorano, Gemma; Benítez Jiménez, Julia; Tirado Hernández, Ana M.; Cisternas Soto, Virginia. MANUAL DE USUARIO. Software ART-RISK 3.0. Proyecto de investigación ART-RISK. Inteligencia Artificial aplicada a la Conservación Preventiva de Edificios Patrimoniales. 2020. Editores: P. Ortiz, A.J. Prieto & J. Becerra. Editorial: Pilar Ortiz Calderón, Sevilla. ISBN: 978-84-09-17662-5

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