
The Awkan album-book presentation and acoustic concert


Next Friday, 11 th December at 7.30 pm in the main hall of Geography and History Faculty of Seville University (old Tobacco Factory) The last work in which the GISAP member has participated is presented, Ángel del Río, the book + dvd + cd “Awkan. Making silence speak. ” A project in collaboration with the Sevillian rock band Reincidentes. This band, beyond its aesthetic component, is well known for its nonconformist, rebellious, combative political position … from a “historical, cultural and anthropological” perspective of the social function of Reincidentes music, the book uses 12 songs from the band as a thread. In all articles, Del Río says, there is a clear component “anti-fascist, anti-capitalist and anti-patriarchal.” Because Reincidentes are fruit of that “rebellious youth” surpassed by the Seville of 92 and the Fifth Centenary. A generation which the end of a paradigm, “the liberal victory exemplified in the fall of the Berlin Wall” did not make them give up. It is “the ethics of no,” defines the anthropologist. To look for ‘awkan’, laughter, to speak the silence
