Featured publications


Current models for the management of refugees and asylum seekers in Italy, Spain and Romania: training needs for working with this group

We are also indigenous: the vulnerability of naturalism in western contexts of interspecies coexistence

BICITOPÍAS: Towards an anthropology of urban mobility
- Collective action, social intervention and political studies
- Economic studies
- Gender and sexualities
- Health, corporeality and sports
- Human-nature relationships
- Research methodologies
A conquista dos direitos sociais como processo de luta: os casos da Primavera árabe e o 15 M na Espanha
International responsibility of the State in the fight against racial and ethnic discrimination in Spain
Community-building and amenity migration in the development of Community-based tourism. An approach from Southwest Spain
Processes of food patrimonial appropriation: European experiences of recovery through Geographical Indications
Local perceptions on social-ecological dynamics in Latin America in three community-based natural resource management systems.
Participatory scenario planning in place-based social-ecological research: insights and experiences from 23 case studies
Gallery of flesh and bone scarers. Fear and fascination around the category of abnormality in Andalusia
Participation of the Union European citizens in elections to the European Parliament and local elections in Spain
The in-depth interview as a pedagogical resource in the Social Work and Social Education studies. Potentials and challenges for theoretical-practical learning
Vandalism against heritage in historic-monumental cities
- Collective action, social intervention and political studies
- Symbolism, education and heritage processes
Exploring the knowledge landscape of ecosystem services assessments in Mediterranean agroecosystems: insights for future research

Natures in Conflict. Environmental conservation and social confrontation in the Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park
Avaliaçao do uso de poleiros na recuperaçao de uma área degradada da restinga de Mambucaba (Paraty, RJ, Brasil)
Me, from my door to inside. Sociocommunity dynamization strategies in districts of the Public Park Housings of Andalusia.
The image of Andalusia in television news in Spain
- Collective action, social intervention and political studies
- Symbolism, education and heritage processes
Other publications

El pluralismo jurídico: entrelazado de la teoría crítica de los Derechos Humanos con el constitucionalismo latinoamericano
New vermin, new conflicts: local resistance to bovine tuberculosis in the southwest of the peninsula
Assessing linkages between ecosystem services, land-use and wellbeing in an agroforestry landscape using public participation GIS
Socioeconomic determinants of health in Andalusia: a comparative study of the economic crisis impact on the health of Andalusians (Project IMPACT-A)
Sentences of practical orientation: human-environmental relations in the south-west of Extremadura through the proverb
Review to donkey treaty and other beasts. A history of animal symbolism in the West, by Alberto del Campo Tejedor
The (in) convenience of (re) producing complex foundations in socioecological studies: anthropological chimera, ethnographic challenge or scientific imposition?
The territory as a body, water as blood and the environment as life: anthropological contributions for support in the struggle of the Neighborhood Association “Fuente de la Reja” in Pegalajar, Jaén
Wood-pasture of Europe geographic coverage, social-ecological values, conservation management, and policy implications
Challenges of the Public System of Social Services in immigration matters: advancing in the politics of belonging.
Assessing stakeholders’ perceptions and values towards social-ecological systems using participatory methods
Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Europe: Status Quo and Insights for the Environmental Policy Agenda.
Using visual stimuli to explore the social perceptions of ecosystem services in cultural landscapes: the case of transhumance in Mediterranean Spain
Drawing the future of transhumance in Spain through participation: a tool for understanding social-ecological relationships
Assessing the effects of seasonal grazing on holm oak regeneration: Implications for the conservation of Mediterranean dehesas
Envisioning the future of transhumant pastoralism through participatory scenario planning: a case study in Spain.
New challenges for public social intervention: Working with immigrant groups in a situation of unemployment
Relational dynamics between public and third sector entities within the framework of Community Social Services
The effect of nitrogen deposition and precipitation on germination, growth and biomass on Calluna vulgaris and Erica tetralix
Final synthesis: an integrating conceptual framework and a proposal of guidelines of policies and strategies for sustainability in the swamp Grande de Santa Marta
Between Darwin, The Baroness and the Mockingbird. The Development of Local Base Tourism in Floreana (Galápagos)
Localidades fronteiriças: a questão da integração por meio da Rodoviaria Transoceânica na Amazonia Sul Occdental.
Between the dream and reality. Ethno-development as an ideal reference among Guatemalan indigenous organizations
Stories that are not in History: political prisoners, labor camps and repression during the Franco regime in Andalusia.
The political instrumentalization of the community idea and the legitimation of local power
- Collective action, social intervention and political studies
- Symbolism, education and heritage processes
Book Review :Party and Border. Transformations of symbolic expressions in the border area of Huelva.
Ethnological heritage and tourism in Isla de Canela
- Collective action, social intervention and political studies
- Symbolism, education and heritage processes
The configuration of an economic space, the recreation of a social space.
- Collective action, social intervention and political studies
- Economic studies
- Health, corporeality and sports
From the repopulation to the expropriation of an island. Processes of territorial identification in the Campo de Canela.