The European Union Trade Policy and its Implications for Labour Rights: Assessing the Potential Effects of the Ratification Of TTIP and CETA


  • Adoración Guamán Hernández Universitat de Valencia


TTIP, CETA, social clauses, public procurement, regulatory cooperation, ISDS.


The European Commission has stated its intention to accelerate the negotiations of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the European Union and the United States of America, better known as TTIP and ratify the Treaty between the EU and Canada (CETA) by the end of 2016. However, over recent months many critical voices have been raised, pointing at the possible consequences of these agreements on the economy, employment and social and labour rights. The objective of this article is to study these consequences from two different perspectives. The first part of the study is dedicated to analyse of the so called "social clauses" which are included in both treaties, putting them in the context of EU trade policy. The second part of the article is devoted to the study the consequences of the main provisions contained in CETA and TTIP on the situation of labour and social rights. Finally, both questions are linked in order to assess the global impact of these agreements on labour and rights on both sides of the Atlantic.


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How to Cite

Guamán Hernández, A. (2016). The European Union Trade Policy and its Implications for Labour Rights: Assessing the Potential Effects of the Ratification Of TTIP and CETA. Lex Social: Journal of Social Rights, 6(2), 123–144. Retrieved from


