García-Herrera, R. D., Gallego and E. González: A new meteorological database to quantify the coastal upwelling in NW Africa since the 18th Century. European Meteorology Society Annual Meeting 2019. Copenhagen, Denmark. 9-13 September.
(Poster presentation)
Gallego, D., R. García-Herrera, F. Gómez-Delgado, P. Ordóñez-Pérez and P. Ribera: Reconstructing the moisture transport from the Equatorial Pacific toward Central America since the 19th Century. European Meteorology Society Annual Meeting 2019. Copenhagen, Denmark. 9-13 September.
(Poster presentation)
Huber, Veronika: Are Europe’s Healthcare Systems Prepared for the Climate Crisis?. European Forum Alpbach 2019. Health Symposium. Alpbach, Austria. 18-20 August.
(Oral presentation)
Vega, I., P. Ribera and D. Gallego: Nueva metodología para identificar fechas de interés en la estación monzónica en el noroeste del Océano Pacífico. XXXVII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Zaragoza, España. 15-19 Julio.
(Poster presentation)
Gómez-Delgado, F., D. Gallego, C. Peña-Ortiz, I. Vega, P. Ribera and R. García-Herrera: Long term variability of the northerly winds over the Eastern Mediterranean as seen from historical wind observations. XXXVII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Zaragoza, España. 15-19 Julio.
(Poster presentation)
Gallego, D., R. García-Herrera, C. Peña-Ortiz, P. Ribera, I.Vega and F. Gómez-Delgado: El concepto de monzón global: variabilidad secular del monzón. XXXVII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Zaragoza, España. 15-19 Julio.
(Oral presentation)
Gallego, D., F. Gómez-Delgado, R. García-Herrera, P. Ribera and P. Ordóñez-Pérez: Caracterización de la corriente del Chocó mediante observaciones históricas de viento. XXXVII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Zaragoza, España. 15-19 Julio.
(Poster presentation)
Plaza, N.P., A. Podglajen, F. Ploeger and C. Peña-Ortiz: Sensitivity of water vapour in lower stratospheric monsoon anticyclones to different processes. XXXVII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Zaragoza, España. 15-19 Julio.
(Oral presentation)
Huber, Veronika: Attribution of heat-related mortality to past climate change. ISIMIP cross-sectoral meeting 2019. Paris, France. 4-7 June.
(Oral presentation)
Vega, I., D. Gallego, P. Ribera and N.P. Plaza: A new methodology to identify important dates in the Western North Pacific Summer Monsoon seasonal evolution. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019. Vienna, Austria. 7-12 April.
(Poster presentation)
Plaza, N.P., A. Podglajen, F. Ploeger and C. Peña-Ortiz: Sensitivity of water vapour in lower stratospheric monsoon anticyclones to different processes. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019. Vienna, Austria. 7-12 April.
(Poster presentation)
Vega, I., D. Gallego and P. Ribera: Changes in the duration of the WNPSM along the 20th
Century. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018. Vienna, Austria. 8-13 April.
(Poster presentation)
Vega, I., A.G. Turner, D. Gallego and P. Ribera: Assessment of the WNPSM-ENSO teleconnection with CMIP5 models.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018. Vienna, Austria. 8-13 April.
(Poster presentation)
Gómez-Delgado, F., D. Gallego, C. Peña-Ortiz, P. Braconnot and M.C. Álvarez-Castro: The unstable influence
of the Indian summer monsoon on the Etesian winds since 1880. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018. Vienna, Austria. 8-13 April.
(Poster presentation)
Gallego, D., R. García-Herrera, C. Peña-Ortiz, P. Ribera, I. Vega and F. Gómez-Delgado: Changing monsoons: Tracking the monsoon
history of the last 200 years. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018. Vienna, Austria. 8-13 April.
(Poster presentation)
Plaza, N.P., C. Peña-Ortiz and D. Gallego: Interannual variability of water vapor transport throught the monsoon regions. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018. Vienna, Austria. 8-13 April.
(Poster presentation)
Peña-Ortiz, C., E. Manzini and M. Giorgetta: Tropical deep convection impact on the southern winter stratosphere: role of the
QBO - deep convection linkage.
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018. Vienna, Austria. 8-13 April.
(Poster presentation)
Vega, I., D. Gallego, P. Ribera, F. Gómez-Delgado and R. García-Herrera: The evolution of the Western North Pacific Summer Monsoon during the 20th
Century. EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology 2017. Dublin, Ireland. 4-8 September.
(Poster presentation)
Gómez-Delgado, F., I. Vega, D. Gallego, C. Peña-Ortiz, P. Ribera, R. García-Herrera, M.C. Álvarez-Castro and P. Braconnot: The non-stable influence
of the Indian summer monsoon on the Etesian winds through ships logbooks. EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology
2017. Dublin, Ireland. 4-8 September. (Poster presentation)
Gallego, D., P. Ordóñez, P. Ribera, C. Peña-Ortiz, R. García-Herrera, I. Vega and F. Gómez-Delgado, 2017: Instrumental evidence of an unusually strong West
African Monsoon in the 19th Century. EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology 2017. Dublin, Ireland. 4-8 September.
(Poster presentation)
Gallego, D., P. Ribera, C. Peña-Ortiz, I. Vega, F. Gómez-Delgado and R. García-Herrera: Project INCITE: Tracking the monsoon history before the 20th
Century. EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology 2017. Dublin, Ireland. 4-8 September.
(Oral presentation)
Gómez-Delgado, F., I. Vega, D. Gallego, C. Peña-Ortiz, P. Ribera and R. García-Herrera: Multidecadal changes in the Etesians-Indian Summer Monsoon
teleconnection along the 20th Century. EGU General Assembly 2017. Vienna, Austria. 23-28 April.
(Poster presentation)
Vega, I., D. Gallego, P. Ribera, F. Gómez Delgado and C. Peña-Ortiz: On the unstable ENSO-Western North Pacific Monsoon relation during the 20th
Century. EGU General Assembly 2017. Vienna, Austria. 23-28 April. (Poster presentation)
Ribera, P., P. Oróñez, D. Gallego and C. Peña-Ortiz: An out of phase coupling between the atmosphere and the ocean over the North Atlantic Ocean.
EGU General Assembly 2017. Vienna, Austria. 23-28 April. (Poster presentation)
Ribera, P., A. Troncoso, G. Asencio-Cortes, I. Vega and D. Gallego: Monsoon Forecasting based on Imbalanced Classification Techniques. EGU General
Assembly 2017. Vienna, Austria. 23-28 April. (Poster presentation)
Vega, I., F. de Paula Gómez-Delgado, D. Gallego, P. Ribera, C. Peña-Ortiz and R. García Herrera: Different regimes of the Western North Pacific
Monsoon throughout the 20th century. 8th EGU Leonardo Conference, "From evaporation to precipitation: the atmospheric moisture transport", 2016.
Orense, Spain. 25-27 October. (Poster presentation)
Gallego, D., P. Ordóñez, P. Ribera, C. Peña-Ortiz, R. García-Herrera, I. Vega and F. Gómez-Delgado: From Advection to Precipitation: Reconstructing
the Monsoons in Historical Times by Using Old Wind Measurements. 8th EGU Leonardo Conference "From evaporation toprecipitation: the atmospheric
moisture transport", 2016 . Orense, Spain. 25-27 October. (Oral presentation)
Gómez-Delgado, F., C. Peña-Ortiz, D. Gallego, I. Vega, P. Ribera and R. García-Herrera: Long-term variability of the Etesians through ships logbooks.
4th Medclivar Conference, 2016. Athens, Greece. 26-30 September. (Poster presentation)
Vega, I., F. de Paula Gómez-Delgado, D. Gallego, P. Ribera, C. Peña-Ortiz and R. García Herrera: A new centennial index to study the Western North Pacific
Monsoon decadal variability. EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna, Austria. 17-22 April. (Poster presentation)
Gómez-Delgado, F. de Paula, I. Vega, D. Gallego, C. Peña-Ortiz, P. Ribera and R. García Herrera, 2016: A new long instrumental series for the Etesian winds
since 1877. EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna, Austria. 17-22 April. (Poster presentation)
Ordóñez, P., D. Gallego, P. Ribera, C. Peña-Ortiz, R. García Herrera, I. Vega and F. de Paula Gómez-Delgado, 2016: The Indian Summer Monsoon onset revisited:
new approach based on the analysis of historical wind observations. EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna, Austria. 17-22 April.
(Poster presentation)
Gallego, D., P. Ordóñez, P. Ribera, C. Peña-Ortiz, R. García Herrera, I. Vega and F. de Paula Gómez-Delgado, 2016: Instrumental evidence of an unusually
strong West African Monsoon in the 19th Century. EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna, Austria. 17-22 April. (Oral presentation)
Gallego, D., P. Ribera, C. Peña-Ortiz, I. Vega, F. de Paula Gómez-Delgado, P. Ordóñez and R. Garcia-Hererra, 2015: On the Feasibility of Tracking the Monsoon
History by Using Ancient Wind Direction Records. AGU Fall Meeting 2015. San Francisco, USA. 14-18 December. (Poster presentation)