EUrPol participated as ‘voice of experience’ in the webinar on the SAT4SUD organised by the Joint Research Centre and the Urban Development Network. The SAT4SUD is a tool to self-evaluate the sustainable urban development strategies promoted by the European Union. The instrument proposes a method similar to the CUPPA approach developed by the EUrPol team, FAMP and local officials in the framework of DUSI-Lab. For example:
CADIPAT. Online tool to asset area-based policies in the framework of the New Urban Agenda.
Integrality in the Design of Urban Development Plans. Analysis of the Initiatives Promoted by the EU in Spain.
European Integral Urban Policies from a Gender Perspective. Gender-Sensitive Measures, Transversality and Gender Approaches.
Evaluating the Quality of Urban Development Plans Promoted by the European Union: The URBAN and URBANA Initiatives in Spain (1994–2013).
Lógicas e impactos de la estrategia integral en políticas urbanas.