Forecasting the Colombian Monthly Inflation One Step Ahead: A "Bottom to Top" Approach


  • Julio César Alonso Centro de Estudios en Economía y Finanzas (CIENFI) Departamento de Economía Universidad Icesi, Cali
  • Andrés Felipe Rivera Centro de Estudios en Economía y Finanzas (CIENFI) Universidad Icesi, Cali



IPC, inflación, pronósticos, de abajo hacia arriba, Colombia, CPI, inflation, forecasts, "bottom to top"


The hierarchical structure of the Colombian Consumer Price Index (CPI) makes possible to calculate inflation as a linear combination of its subcomponents. We use SARIMA models to forecast each component of CPI and construct an forecast of inflation using a lineal combination of the forecasts of these components, i.e. a "bottom to top" approach. In this paper, we asses the out-of-sample performance of the one-step ahead forecast of 12 "bottom to top" methodologies. These methods are compared with an aggregate forecast using a SARIMA model. Our results show that a "bottom to top" method to forecast inflation outperforms an aggregate approach for the case of monthly inflation in Colombia.


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How to Cite

Alonso, J. C., & Rivera, A. F. (2017). Forecasting the Colombian Monthly Inflation One Step Ahead: A "Bottom to Top" Approach. Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 23, Página 98 a 118.


