Determinants of attendance frequency to flamenco shows in Spain. A cultural economic approach


  • Jesús Heredia-Carroza Universidad de Sevilla
  • Luis Palma Martos Universidad de Sevilla
  • Alejandro Marín Universidad de Sevilla



live music, attendance frequency, traditional popular music, flamenco, Spain


This article aims to determine which variables have effect on the attendance frequency to live flamenco shows. Firstly we have done interviews to flamenco and music industry experts to achieve new-fangled variables in our analysis. Secondly, these variables were valued by flamenco consumers through surveys. Afterwards, with these data, we used a methodology based on different econometric models to obtain the coefficients of the variables. The results show how variables such as educational level, the way the music is listened or the valuation of the performer, amongst others, have an influence on the attendance frequency to flamenco live shows. The article contributes to the scarce empirical literature relating attendance frequency determinants to traditional popular genres by adding never studied before variables, focusing on the flamenco case.


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Author Biography

Jesús Heredia-Carroza, Universidad de Sevilla




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How to Cite

Heredia-Carroza, J., Palma Martos, L., & Marín, A. (2020). Determinants of attendance frequency to flamenco shows in Spain. A cultural economic approach. Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 29, 79–98.


