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Author Guidelines


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Guidelines for authors

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Submission preparation checklist

  • As part of the submission process, authors are required to check that their submission meets all of the elements below. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to authors:
  • The article has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor), nor is it under review in other outlets. In some cases, papers may be published under Essays.
  •  When registering, please adapt the wording of your first name and surname if bibliometric parameters are to be taken into account. In this case, add a hyphen between compound names and surnames.
  • Authors should provide references to similar work that has already been published, or is currently under consideration by another journal. If the work has already been presented in a paper, authors should provide details in a cover letter. The journal will consider the publication of work that has already been presented as a short abstract or poster at a conference, but not as a full paper.  If previously published tables, illustrations or more than 200 words of text are to be included, the author shall submit to the Secretariat written permission from the copyright holder. Including copies of all letters of permission. Please note that if deemed appropriate, plagiarism checking software may be applied to your manuscript during the editorial review process.
  • The submitted file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF format.
  • The abstract and keywords are in both English and Spanish.
  • The text has 1.5 line spacing and 3 cm margins; the font size is 12 point; the text has no breaks or page breaks; and all illustrations, figures and tables are in a separate file; they are referenced in the text. The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for Authors, which can be found in About the journal.
  • When submitting a text to a peer-reviewed journal, please ensure that your text does not contain data or metadata (file properties) with your identity.
  • Need help uploading your document? Problems with the platform? Contact

Scope and policy

The main objective of Bajo Guadalquivir y Mundos Atlánticos is to collaborate in the dissemination of the growing number of original research results, theoretical studies, short communications, etc. carried out in our country and internationally on the Hispanic field written in Spanish and English.

The journal is open to researchers and professionals working in the fields of History, Social and Human Sciences. Articles must be original, unpublished and relevant and will not be submitted simultaneously to any other publication. The Editorial Board understands that the opinions expressed by the authors are their sole responsibility.

Authorship data

Each text must be submitted with the author's full details: physical and electronic address (institutional, whenever possible), professional category, scientific affiliation (University or Research Centre with its respective address) and contact telephone number. The ORCID identifier must also be included. In the reference to the scientific affiliation that must appear in the article for publication, only the main institution of affiliation (University or Research Centre) must be stated, without reference to departments, groups or research projects.

In the original articles submitted, references to the author, university of affiliation, research projects, allusions to own publications and other references that may identify the authorship of the article, must be marked in red, to facilitate the preparation of the text by the editors with a view to its evaluation by the "double-blind" system.


Authorship contribution: In the case of co-authorship, the level of contribution in each of the phases of both the research and the writing of the contribution should be indicated. For this purpose, it is recommended to follow the taxonomy CRediT 

Length, abstract and keywords

The text should be between 7,000 and 10,000 words, including footnotes and final bibliography. It must be accompanied by two abstracts, one in Spanish and the other in English. Each abstract may have a maximum of 120 words. They will advance the fundamental thesis and the methodology used. The abstract will describe the aim of the paper, sources, method, argument and conclusions. The journal recommends maintaining this order in the development of the article.

A maximum of 6 keywords will be included in total, integrated in these three items:

- Keywords

- Place names (place names)

- Period (period)


- Keywords: Lower Guadalquivir, Atlantic Worlds, History of civilisations.

- Place names: Castile, America

- Period: 15th century

Both these keywords and the title of the article must appear in Spanish and English.



The article must conform to the following outline:

  1. a) Introduction, with the objective of the study and a succinct explanation of the methodology, including a justification of the chosen topic, the problem statement, the theoretical framework, the hypothesis and the state of the question.
  2. b) Development of the research results, contribution and originality to what is already known.
  3. c) Clear and precise conclusions
  4. d) Bibliography; Annexes (if any).

They should always be numbered consecutively with digits, without mixing with letters and/or Roman numerals (1, 1.1, etc.). It is advisable not to exceed two subdivisions.

The titles of headings and sub-headings should be in bold and should not end in a full stop. The first letter should be capitalised and the rest in lower case, except for proper names and other words that require it. Headings and sub-headings should be separated by a double space.

Format and submission

Originals will be submitted through the journal's platform

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check that their submission complies with all the elements below. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to authors.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The file submitted is in OpenOffice or Microsoft Word format, never in pdf.
  3. Web addresses have been added for references where possible.
  4. The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the corresponding section (these can be found below).
  5. Anonymity is maintained for the blind peer review process.

Images, tables and graphs

In the case of articles incorporating photographic material, images, tables and charts, the authors must send them independently and must comply with the following indications:

- Tables: they should be included in the text wherever the author wishes them to appear. They can be placed within the manuscript, near the part of the text where they are mentioned, or on separate pages at the end of the manuscript. They should be prepared using the "tables" and "graphics" function of the word processor used. The heading "Table" should be used, numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and followed by the corresponding title and source. It is important that they are drawn up on the template so that they conform to the double-column format. Reference to the source should be included. Submit tables as editable text, not as images. Number tables consecutively according to their appearance in the text and place appropriate notes below each table. Limit the use of tables and check that the data you present in tables do not duplicate results already described in the text. Do not use vertical guidelines or shaded cells. The length should not exceed 2500 characters.

- Other cases (images and graphs): The heading "Figure" should be used, numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and followed by the corresponding title and source. They must be submitted in vector format (png) and a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. If the images do not belong to the author of the text, he/she must request the rights from whoever owns the intellectual property of the file. The journal is not responsible for the improper use of graphic materials.


Image manipulation

While it is recognised that authors sometimes have to retouch images to make them clearer and more understandable, manipulation of images with fraudulent intent is not acceptable. This constitutes a breach of scientific ethics and will be acted upon. The journal applies the following rules for images: images may not be enhanced, darkened, shifted, removed or added to in any way. Adjustments to brightness, contrast or colour balance are allowed as long as they do not obscure or remove any visible information in the original image. If non-linear adjustments (such as changes in gamma parameters) are made, this must be indicated in the figure caption.

Electronic formats

General considerations.

- Ensure that you present your original illustrations uniformly in terms of size and captions.

- Embed fonts in the file, if the application you are using allows this.

- Try to use the fonts: Arial, Courier, Times New Roman, Symbol, or others that are similar in your illustrations.

- Number your illustrations consecutively.

- Choose a logical nomenclature for naming the image files.

- Provide caption texts for each figure in a separate list.

- Use a size similar to what the images should be in the publication.

- Submit each figure in a separate file.


If you have used a Microsoft Office application (Word, PowerPoint or Excel), please submit the image in the file format. If you have used other applications, once the figure is finished, please either 'Save As' or export or convert each of the image files to one of the following formats (please note the resolution required for line drawings, halftones or combinations of both as detailed below):

o EPS (or PDF): vector images. Embed any fonts you have used.

o TIFF (or JEPG): colour or greyscale (halftone) photographs, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi/ dpi.

o TIFF (or JEPG): bitmap, pure black and white pixels, with a resolution of at least 1000 dpi/ppp.

o TIFF (or JEPG): combinations of bitmap lines and halftone images (colour or greyscale), with a resolution of at least 500 dpi/ppp.

Please do not submit:

o Files that are not optimal for screen use (GIF, BMP, PICT or WPG, for example, usually have a low resolution and a limited number of colours).

o Files with low resolution.

o Graphics that are disproportionately large in size in relation to their content.

Figure captions

In a separate document, write a caption for each figure and check that none is missing. The caption should contain a short title (which should not appear in the illustration) and a description of the figure. Try to keep text in the figure to a minimum, and do not forget to include in the caption the definition of all symbols and abbreviations used in the figure.

Independently of the above indications, and to avoid losses, authors should send tables and graphs in a separate attached file with an express indication of the place they should occupy in the final text. If they are protected by commercial rights, authors must state that they have obtained permission to use them.


Supplementary material

All supplementary material must have an indication of the public repository in which it is deposited, including unique and persistent identifiers such as DOI or Handle.

Bibliographical references

Citations should be footnoted according to two models:

(a) ISO 690 and/or Spanish UNE 50-104 standard, they will include, if possible, the following elements, using the typography and punctuation of the examples (omitting the square brackets). A blank line should be included between each title.


 [Surname/s], [First name]. [Title]. Translated by Name Surname(s); edited by Name Surname(s) (optional)], [edition], [Place: Publisher, year of publication]. [Place: Publisher, year of publication].

MITCHELL, Linda E. Women in Medieval Western European CultureNew York: Routledge, 1999, p. 116.

Articles in serial publications:

[Surname/s], [First name]. [Title of the article], [title of the journal], [year, volume, issue, pages].

MONFASANI, John. “Byzantium and the End of the Middle Ages”. Mediterranea.: International Journal on the Transfer of Knowledge, 2019, n. 4, pp. 245-253

Contributions to monographs:

[Surname/s], [First name]. [Title]. In [Surname/s], [First name]. [Title]. [edition]. [Place: Publisher, year of publication], [volume, pages].

MISZTAL, Mariusz. “Queen Victoria and Her Dogs”. In New trends in English teacher education: linguistics, literature and culture. Albacete: Universidad de CASTILLA-La Mancha, 2008, pp. 385-394


When a work is cited in several footnotes, the second and subsequent citations may be reduced to the author(s)' surname(s) and an abbreviated title, followed by the number of the pages cited.

BAREA RODRÍGUEZ, Manuel Antonio. Al encuentro de la muerte de entre los legajos, p. 198.

When a note refers to the same bibliographic reference as the immediately preceding note, it is referred to by Ibid. If the bibliographical reference is the same but the page number changes, it will be used: Ibid, p.

Documentary citations should be made in the following order:

Name or abbreviation (without full stops) of the Archive, Library or Institution. Name of the fonds or collection (and section, if applicable). Symbol.

Name/title of the document and date(s) of the document.

Archivo Municipal de Jerez de la Frontera (AMJF). Protocolos Notariales. Bartolomé de Maya. 7 de febrero de 1489. Fol. 26v.


  1. b) Simplified APA citation system: In the text, placing author, date and page in parentheses in the body of the article. Footnotes should be added only, not bibliographical references. In bibliography, and in the case of repeating authorship, do not use "---".


Example of in-text citations: (Mingorance Ruiz, 2000: 9).

Example of the most common bibliography:

Barea Rodríguez, M. A. (2022). La huella documental de los Ponce de León en Jerez de la Frontera. Huelva: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Huelva.

Mingorance Ruiz, J. A. (2018). "The Flemish presence in the Cartuja de Santa María de la Defensión de Jerez de la Frontera".  Atrio. Revista de Historia del Arte, nº 18, pp. 137-154.

Miura Andrades, J.M. (2022). "Frailes, crisis y reformas: las reformas ejemplarizantes gestadas en Andalucía", in I. Montes Romero-Camacho (coord.). El Reino de Sevilla en la Baja Edad Media. Seville: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla, pp. 411-460.

Citation of electronic documents

All electronic documents containing a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) will be cited using this locator instead of their URL address, and without indicating the date of consultation.

Electronic documents that do not contain a DOI will be cited by indicating their URL address and their date of consultation in square brackets [consultation: dd/mm/yyyy].

 All the bibliography consulted for the article must be listed in a specific section at the end of the article. If a work is cited on more than one occasion, the abbreviated title followed by "op. cit" should be used. If a work is cited in several successive footnotes but referring to different pages, the title of the work is replaced by "Ibid", followed by the specific page. If the citation is entirely similar, "Ibidem" is used. 


Inclusive and Non-Sexist Language

It is recommended that authors use inclusive and non-sexist language, including in the bibliography the full names of those who have participated in their research. With regard to the wording of the contribution, it is advisable to consult the CSIC GUIDE TO GOOD PRACTICE FOR INCLUSIVE USE OF LANGUAGE.


Editorial process

The journal Bajo Guadalquivir and Mundos Atlánticos adheres to the Code of goog on Publication Ethics (COPE) approved by the CSIC in March 2010 and the good practice adopted by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

- It will be acknowledged once it has reached the Secretariat and once it has been checked to ensure that it meets all the requirements set out in these rules. Once it has been reviewed, it is sent to the Editorial Board, which is responsible for confirming whether it is in line with the subject area and the interest of the article. It is then sent to the Board of Experts, who will be selected according to the subject matter of the article, although the authors have the possibility of suggesting names of possible reviewers.

- After a period of time, once they have been evaluated, the Editorial Board will notify the author of the acceptance or rejection of the article, together with the corrections or reasons highlighted by the evaluators and, if applicable, the issue in which it will be published. Once the corrections have been made, the paper will be sent back to the reviewers so that they can assess whether it really meets the established conditions. Articles that do not comply with the rules will be returned.

- The Scientific Committee will ensure quality control of the evaluation reports. In addition, there are elements of quality control of the evaluation reports. Methodological reviews are used for the review of certain articles.

- For texts in English, proofreaders and editors are used.

- The Editorial Board reserves the right to make any necessary changes in accordance with the rules described above.


Plagiarism detection routine

The works submitted must be original, must not have been published previously, must not have been accepted for publication, and must not be in the process of being evaluated in other media. In exceptional cases, annotated translations of significant texts may be published in the Miscellaneous Studies section. Any data that could lead to their identity being known (in the text or in the properties of the document) will be removed. Articles will be subjected to computerised supports for checking and detecting plagiarism.

If plagiarism is detected or if it is found that a published article is the result of plagiarism, the Editorial Board will inform the institution to which the author belongs by e-mail. In both cases the guidelines of COPE y

Peer Review process

- Once the article has been received from the authors, two peer reviewers are selected from the Board of Experts who are most in line with the subject matter of the manuscript.

- The Secretariat sends the article to the selected reviewers without the authors' details, the publication rules and the evaluation report, which must be duly completed and signed.

- The possible outcomes of the expert evaluation are as follows: rejection, acceptance with major corrections, acceptance with minor corrections and acceptance.

- Once the expert evaluations have been received, they will be communicated to the authors, together with the corrections.

- It will be confirmed by the evaluators that the issues indicated have been addressed. The author/s will be notified of the final assessment.



All articles will be subject to scientific review firstly by the Editorial Board and secondly by two external reviewers using the "double-blind" peer review system. In other words, the assessment of each manuscript requires the report of two experts. In case of discrepancy, the Director may request the review of a third reviewer. The reviewers are external to the Publisher and the Editorial Board. Their evaluation will be binding for decision-making.

Methodological reviews are used for the review of certain articles. Authors have the possibility to suggest names of possible reviewers.

Depending on the outcome of the reports, the proposed originals may or may not be accepted. Prior to this, however, the Editorial Board may directly reject the papers received, without resorting to an external consultation process, if it considers them inappropriate for lacking the required level of quality, for not being in line with the scientific objectives of the journal or collection, or for presenting evidence of scientific fraud.

 Once the reviewers accept the review, the article is sent to them anonymously and they are given a deadline of approximately six weeks.

- When acceptance is received from the evaluator, a reply is sent thanking them for their availability. When they reply that they cannot, another evaluator is sought.

- An evaluation form is sent to them with detailed instructions for their review: evaluation criteria for originality, relevance, methodological rigour and formal presentation of the manuscripts as well as how to carry out the review.

- The evaluations are received. Acknowledgement of receipt is given and thanks for the work carried out. If required, a certificate of external reviewer status will be issued.

- When a fortnight has passed since the deadline for receipt of the evaluation, the pending task is reminded.- Recibidas las dos evaluaciones, según los resultados de estas, se decide:

- If both are favourable, the paper is moved to the list of publishable papers.

- A favourable editorial decision is communicated to the author by means of a notification that includes the reasons for its acceptance, as well as the opinions -original or adapted by the Editorial Office- issued by the reviewers.

- If one is favourable and the other negative, a third one is requested, which is the one that allows a final decision to be taken. In these cases, the editorial decision communicated to the authors is: "Rectifications are needed and a revision is needed".

- If both are negative, or two of the three are negative, it is not accepted for publication. In these cases the editorial decision communicated to the authors is: "Decline".


Authors who receive favourable evaluations have approximately one month to submit the revised article, and are asked to communicate the modifications made by means of a letter addressed to the reviewers detailing the changes made that comply with the suggestions made to the work.

Once the revised article has been received, it is checked that the author has modified the text in accordance with these changes. The author is informed that the article has been accepted for publication.

Authors who request it are provided at this time with a certificate of acceptance of their work in the open issue in force at that time.

The journal secretary will send the author a reasoned communication of the editorial decision taken on his/her work, which will include the reasons for the acceptance, revision or rejection of the manuscript, as well as the opinions issued by the external experts with the list of modifications they suggest, where appropriate.

The Editorial Board will correct the proofs of each accepted article before its final publication. They will not be sent to the authors for review.

In due course, the authors will receive a single proof, already paginated, for the correction, above all, of typos or small changes, without being able to include substantial modifications (adding or deleting paragraphs) that alter the typographical adjustment and have repercussions on the editing costs. To avoid delays in publication, the authors undertake to correct the proofs within 15 days of submission.

Authors may make the submitted version (or preprint) public whenever they wish, without waiting for acceptance, in an institutional repository or in any other repository they wish without any embargo; as well as the Accepted version (o Author Accepted Manuscript) and Published version (o Version of Record) may be published without restriction or embargo period from publication in the journal.

Authors will be notified when the Journal is published. The publishing rights are held by the Journal and it is necessary to indicate the origin of the works for their partial or total reproduction.



Articles should include the funding agency(ies) and the code(s) of the project(s) under which the research leading to the publication has been carried out (as an example, see note 1 of the following article).


Recommendation on sex variable

Authors are recommended to include, whenever possible, the sex variable and to report on whether the conclusions have taken into account possible differences between sexes. 

Recommendation for depositing research data

Authors are recommended to deposit research data in open repositories federated in the European Open Science Cloud.

Journal "Bajo Guadalquivir and Mundos Atlánticos".

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