Which guarantees for social rights in time of crisis?


  • Jean Michel Belorgey Président de la Commission Centrale d’Aide Sociale et membre du Conseil d’État

Mots-clés :

Asylum seekers, refugees, social rights, European Committee of Social Rights, European Union, European Social Charter


The present article tackles, in line with the critical scrutiny already emphasized by the author in previous papers, the precarious situation of asylum seekers and refugees concerning the enjoyment of their social rights, by denouncing the relegated position of public policies in relation to the prevalent economic interests. Indeed, the European Union has been building a reality guided by competition and precariousness where human beings become mere objects. Correlatively, the European Committee of Social Rights is emerging as an institution which somehow intends to correct such situation through the positive influence of the European Social Charter as an instrument guaranteeing social rights.


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Comment citer

Belorgey, J. M. (2016). Which guarantees for social rights in time of crisis?. Lex Social: Revista De Derechos Sociales, 6(2), 1–11. Consulté à l’adresse https://www.upo.es/revistas/index.php/lex_social/article/view/1982


