
Conference of María del Valle Gómez de Terreros Guardiola (Professor of Art History at the University Pablo de Olavide), “Conservación y restauración de la arquitectura defensiva y los castillos andaluces en el siglo XXI: criterios de intervención”. V Congreso de Castellología, homenaje al Dr. Amador Ruibal Rodríguez Ciudad Real ~ Montiel 1, 2 y 3 de marzo de 2023, organized by University of Castilla-La Mancha and Asociación Española de Amigos de los Castillos.

International Seminar El expolio de bienes culturales” (The Looting of Cultural Property)

Venue: On-line, University Pablo de Olavide
Date: 23rd and 30th March 2022
Coordination: Luis Pérez-Prat Durbán and Zara Ruiz Romero

Organized by: R&D+I Project “Ruins, Looting and Interventions for Cultural Heritage” (Ruinas, expolios e intervenciones en el patrimonio cultural, UPO-1264180 reference).

Project founded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Andalusian Regional Department of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities (Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades) of the Andalusian Regional Government, within the Andalusia ERDF 2014-20 Operational Programme (specific objective 1.2.3. «Promotion and generation of border knowledge and knowledge-oriented to societal challenges, development of emerging technologies», ERDF 80% co-financing percentage).

Conference of Luis Pérez Prat Durbán (Professor of Public International Law and International Relations at the University Pablo de Olavide), “Líneas evolutivas de la protección del patrimonio cultural: del conflicto armado a la repatriación de los bienes culturales”. Los ODS y la cultura: la dimensión ausente del desarrollo sostenible. Summer Courses of the University Rey Juan Carlos. On-line, 29th June 2021.

Conference of Luis Pérez Prat Durbán (Professor of Public International Law and International Relations at the University Pablo de Olavide), “La protección internacional de bienes culturales”. Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación de España. Sección 6.ª Derecho Internacional Privado. On-line, 15th June 2021. (Access to the program).

Second Seminar “Castillos y arquitectura fortificada en Andalucía. Normas, recomendaciones y criterios para su restauración” (Castles and Fortified Architecture in Andalusia. Rules, Recommendations and Criteria for its Restoration)

Venue: On-line, University Pablo de Olavide
Date: 23rd and 24th June 2021
Academic directors: María del Valle Gómez de Terreros Guardiola and Alfonso Jiménez Martín

Organized by: R&D+I Project “Ruins, Looting and Interventions for Cultural Heritage” (Ruinas, expolios e intervenciones en el patrimonio cultural, UPO-1264180 reference) and Aula Hernán Ruiz II.

Project founded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Andalusian Regional Department of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities (Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades) of the Andalusian Regional Government, within the Andalusia ERDF 2014-20 Operational Programme (specific objective 1.2.3. «Promotion and generation of border knowledge and knowledge-oriented to societal challenges, development of emerging technologies», ERDF 80% co-financing percentage).

Conference of Zara Ruiz Romero (University Pablo de Olavide and University of Jaén), “‘Un mundo robado’: textiles prehispánicos peruanos a ambos lados del Atlántico”. Seminario de Estudios Latinoamericanos. La Madraza, Centro de Cultura Contemporánea, Univeersity of Granada. On-line. 19th March 2021. (Access to video). 

First Seminar “Castillos y arquitectura fortificada en Andalucía. Normas, recomendaciones y criterios para su restauración” (Castles and Fortified Architecture in Andalusia. Rules, Recommendations and Criteria for its Restoration)

Venue: On-line, University Pablo de Olavide
Date: 10th and 11th February 2021
Academic directors: María del Valle Gómez de Terreros Guardiola and Alfonso Jiménez Martín

Organized by: R&D+I Project “Ruins, Looting and Interventions for Cultural Heritage” (Ruinas, expolios e intervenciones en el patrimonio cultural, UPO-1264180 reference) and Aula Hernán Ruiz II.

Project founded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Andalusian Regional Department of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities (Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades) of the Andalusian Regional Government, within the Andalusia ERDF 2014-20 Operational Programme (specific objective 1.2.3. «Promotion and generation of border knowledge and knowledge-oriented to societal challenges, development of emerging technologies», ERDF 80% co-financing percentage).


Conference of Macarena Guerrero Lebrón (Associate Professor of Roman Law at the University Pablo de Olavide) “Es el agua la que hace la ciudad (PLIN NAT HIST XXI 4) el acueducto de itálica desde una perspectiva jurídica”. IV Course of the Permanent Forum “Itálica, en-clave de Patrimonio Mundial”. (Access to video).

First session of the Permanent Seminar “Ruins, Looting and Interventions for Cultural Heritage” (Ruinas, expolios e intervenciones en el patrimonio cultural).

Venue: University Pablo de Olavide, Headquarters in Seville – Center
Date: 26th February 2020, from 6:00 p. m. to 8:00 p. m.

  • María del Valle Gómez de Terreros Guardiola, Professor of Art History at the University Pablo de Olavide (I.P.).
  • Luis Pérez-Prat Durbán, Professor of Public International Law and International Relations at the University Pablo de Olavide (I.P.).
  • Alfonso Jiménez Martín, Doctor in Architecture, full member of the Real Academia Sevillana de Ciencias (Royal Academy of the Sciences, Seville).
  • María Gracia Gómez de Terreros Guardiola, Doctor in Architecture, Associate Professor of Architectural Construction at the University of Seville.
  • María Dolores Rego Blanco, Associate Professor of Administrative Law at the University Pablo de Olavide.
  • Macarena Guerrero Lebrón, Associate Professor of Roman Law at the University Pablo de Olavide.
  • Pedro Gómez de Terreros Guardiola, Doctor in Architecture, Lecturer in Architectural Construction at the University of Seville.
  • Ignacio Capilla Roncero, Associate Professor of Architectural Projects at the University of Seville.
  • Zara Ruiz Romero, Member of the Art History Area at the University Pablo de Olavide.

Several subjects of the project were discussed, focusing on two lines of research: the first one, the Andalusian defensive architecture in ruins and restored in the 21st century; and, the second line, the looting of cultural property in Andalusia and Latin America (only in Peru, Ecuador and Colombia). Also, the dynamics and chronology of the project activities were exposed.

The project collaborates in the organization of the VI International Seminar on Methodology and Research. History of Art and Cultural Heritage in Spain and America

Venue: University Pablo de Olavide – Videoconference Room CEI-Cambio, building 25 (Library).
Date: 11th and 12th December 2018.
Academic coordination
: Fernando Quiles García and Zara Ruiz Romero (University Pablo de Olavide).

Organized by: Art History Area and the PhD Programme in History and Humanities: Europe, America, Arts and Language of the University Pablo de Olavide. Plan Project “Ruins, Looting and Interventions for Cultural Heritage” (Ruinas, expolios e intervenciones en el patrimonio cultural, DER2014-52947), financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Research Group Quadratura (HUM-647).

Collaborates: EnredARS, CeIBA, Acer-VOS and Latin American Lecture of Contemporary Thought and Creation.

More information

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Conferences “Las ruinas: concepto, tratamiento y convervación” (Ruins: concept, treatment and conservation)

Venue: Casa de la Provincia, Seville, (Plaza del Triunfo, 1)
Date: 14th, 15th and 16th February 2018
Academic directors
: Alfonso Jiménez Martín, María del Valle Gómez de Terreros Guardiola and Luis Pérez-Prat Durbán

Organized by: Aula Hernán Ruiz II and Plan Project “Ruins, Looting and Interventions for Cultural Heritage” MINECO Ref. DER2014-52947-P, University Pablo de Olavide.



Access to the poster

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Third session of the Permanent Seminar “‘Holocausto y bienes culturales’: El expolio Nazi y la devolución de bienes culturales” (‘The Holocaust and Cultural Assets’: Nazi Plundered-Art and the Return of Cultural Property)

Venue: University Pablo de Olavide, Library, Grade Room
Date: 27th October 2017, starting at 10.30 h.
Academic directors: Luis Pérez-Prat Durbán and Gloria Fernández Arribas

  • Gloria Fernández Arribas. permanent Lecturer of Public International Law and International Relations of the UPO. “Las Inmunidades del Estado como límite a la Restitución” (“Immunities of the State as Limit to the Restitution”).
  • Soledad Torrecuadrada García-Lozano. Accredited Professor of Public International Law and International Relations of the UAM. ¿Inmunidad o moralidad? Reflexiones sobre la jurisdicción norteamericana en el caso Cassirer” (“Immunity or morality? Reflections on North American jurisdiction in the Cassirer case”).
  • Elena Rodriguez Pineau. temporary Senior Lecturer of Private International Law at the UAM. “¿Retener o retornar? Reflexiones sobre la solución material del caso Cassirer” (“Hold or return? Reflections on the material solution of the Cassirer case”).
  • Celia María Caamiña Domínguez. Associate Supply Lecturer of Private International Law at the Carlos III University of Madrid. “El caso o los casos Gurlitt” (“The Gurlitt case or Gurlitt cases”.

Organized by: Plan Project “Ruins, Looting and Interventions for Cultural Heritage” MINECO Ref. DER2014-52947-P and Area of International Public Law and International Relations.



The book Roma quanta fuit ipsa ruina docet. Nicole Dacos in memoriam was presented at the Excmo. Ateneo of Seville on May 11th 2017 at 7.30 p.m. (Access to PDF) 

It has been published by the University of Huelva and edited by Jesús Palomero Páramo. Its authors are: María José Redondo Cantera, Vitor Serrão, Fernando Quiles García, María del Valle Gómez de Terreros Guardiola, Luis Pérez-Prat Durbán and Jesús Palomero Páramo.

In the presentation participated, as members of the research team, the professors Palomero Páramo, Pérez-Prat y Gómez de Terreros. Furthermore, they were present: Carmen Santín Vilariño, vice-chancellor of Students, Employment and University Extension at the University of Huelva; Dimas Borrego Paín, director of the Publications Service at the University of Huelva; and, presiding the event, Gerardo Pérez Calero, professor of Art History at the University of Seville and librarian of the Ateneo of Seville.

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Second session of the Permanent Seminar “‘Holocausto y bienes culturales’: El expolio Nazi y la devolución de bienes culturales” (“The Holocaust and Cultural Assets”: Nazi Plundered-Art and the Return of Cultural Property)

Venue: University Pablo de Olavide, Building 7, Grade Room
Date: 14th February 2017, starting at 10.30 h.
Academic directors: Luis Pérez-Prat Durbán and Gloria Fernández Arribas

    • Colette Avital. Israeli diplomat and politician. She chaired the Ethics Committee and headed the Investigative Commission for the Identification and Return of the Property of Holocaust Victims in Israel.
    • Therese O’Donnell. Reader in Law, University of Strathclyde. A specialist on the legacy of World War II and, in particular, the Holocaust and looted art.
    • Miguel Martorell. Associate Lecturer of Political and Social History in the Department of Social History of the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of the UNED. He was a member of the Governmental Commission for the investigation on the patrimony looted by the Nazis.

In collaboration with: Embassy of Israel to Spain, Tres Culturas Foundation, Centro Sefarad-Israel.
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Participation of Julián Esteban Chapapría in the Conference Fitch Colloquium: Preservation and War, organized by Columbia University (Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation), New York,  30 September 2016, with the lecture “The Spanish Civil War and Cultural Heritage”. Programme: fitch-colloquium-preservation-and-war-columbia-gsapp

Jorge Otero-Pailos, conference organizer

Julián Esteban Chapapría, Director of Academia del Partal

Zaki Aslan, Director of ICCROM-ATHAR Regional Conservation Centre

Presentation of the research project “Ruins, Looting and Interventions for Cultural Heritage” in the XXI Congreso Nacional de Historia del Arte (La formación artística: creadores-historiadores-espectadores), Santander, 20-23 September 2016.

María del Valle Gómez de Terreros Guardiola and Zara Ruiz Romero elaborated the poster that was presented in the Conference.

Zara Ruiz Romero during the presentation

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“Roma quanta fuit ipsa ruina docet”, colloquium dedicated to Nicole Dacos

Venue: University Pablo de Olavide, Library Graduation Room
Date: 13 May 2016, starting at 10 h.

María José Redondo Cantera, University of Valladolid
Vítor Manuel Guimarães Veríssimo Serrão, University of Lisbon
Jesús M. Palomero Páramo (dir.), University of Seville
Luis Pérez-Prat Durbán, University Pablo de Olavide, Seville
Fernando Quiles García, University Pablo de Olavide, Seville
M.ª del Valle Gómez de Terreros Guardiola (coord.), University Pablo de Olavide

In collaboration with Faculty of Humanities and Art History Division, University Pablo de Olavide.


Permanent seminar: “The Holocaust and Cultural Assets”

Inaugural lecture by Tullio Scovazzi, senior tenured professor of Public International Law at the University of Milano-Bicocca: The removal of cultural properties during World War II: some Italian cases.

Venue: University Pablo de Olavide, Building 6, Grade Room
Date: 4 March 2016, 12.30 hours
