EURAXESS Researchers in Motion (EN)
International mobility is an essential part of researchers' careers. Curriculum development, knowledge exchange or the establishment of valuable scientific collaboration networks are undoubtedly positive aspects associated with temporary research stays. However, mobility also implies having to deal with some practical aspects that can become an obstacle to working abroad. The language, culture and visa regulations, health and tax systems of each country are some of the challenges that the researcher has to overcome from the moment of arrival.
To help researchers overcome these barriers, the European Commission launched the EURAXESS network. This initiative aims to stimulate, protect and nurture Europe's research and innovation environment by providing the research community with access to better professional and social development. EURAXESS gives information on employment, finance, housing, social security and other relevant issues across Europe and beyond.
The EURAXESS network is articulated through national networks of centers offering direct assistance to the researcher. More than 200 European Service Centers in 40 countries provide free advice to researchers and their families on practical issues.
The coordination of the Network in Spain is the responsibility of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), an institution officially designated in 2004 by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.
Andalusia is part of the European Network of Service Centres through the Andalusian Knowledge Agency (AAC), a company attached to the Regional Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities of the Andalusian Government, and is supported by the Local Contact Points, including the Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Through the OTRI European Projects Office, direct and personalised attention is offered to the researchers of this institution who are going to travel outside our country to develop a scientific professional experience, to foreign researchers who come to this University, as well as to those who decide to return to it.