Clúster 3 - Seguridad civil para la sociedad

Este clúster responde a los retos derivados de las amenazas persistentes a la seguridad, incluida la ciberdelincuencia, así como de las catástrofes naturales y de origen humano.

Áreas de intervención del Clúster 3:

  • Sociedades resilientes a las catástrofes.
  • Protección y seguridad.
  • Ciberseguridad.

El programa de trabajo con las convocatorias lo pueden descargar en el siguiente enlace.

Las tres orientaciones estratégicas y los impactos esperados de este clúster 3 se recogen en el Plan estratégico de Horizonte Europa 2025-2027:

  • Green transition
  • Digital transition
  • A more resilient, competitive, inclusive and democratic Europe
  1. Enhance disaster response for all types of crises, including climate-related events, and strengthen the resilience of critical infrastructure to the impacts of climate change.
  2. Ensure the security of digital networks and protect citizens in the online world.
  3. Increase the EU’s open strategic autonomy in cybersecurity.
  4. Combat cybercrime and emerging security threats in the digital age, including the criminal use of AI, to protect Europeans from cyber-enabled crimes.
  5. Strengthen societal preparedness and resilience against all forms of disasters and threats, whether accidental or intentional, human-made or natural.
  6. Facilitate seamless border crossings for legitimate travelers and goods while maintaining internal security and preserving the integrity of the Schengen area.


Destinations - Work Programme:

  • Better protect the EU and its citizens against Crime and Terrorism.
  • Effective management of EU external borders.
  • Resilient Infrastructure.
  • Increased Cybersecurity.
  • Disaster-Resilient Society for Europe.
  • Strengthened Security Research and Innovation.