Clúster 3 - Seguridad civil para la sociedad
Este clúster responde a los retos derivados de las amenazas persistentes a la seguridad, incluida la ciberdelincuencia, así como de las catástrofes naturales y de origen humano.
Áreas de intervención del Clúster 3:
- Sociedades resilientes a las catástrofes.
- Protección y seguridad.
- Ciberseguridad.
El programa de trabajo con las convocatorias lo pueden descargar en el siguiente enlace.
Las tres orientaciones estratégicas y los impactos esperados de este clúster 3 se recogen en el Plan estratégico de Horizonte Europa 2025-2027:
- Green transition
- Digital transition
- A more resilient, competitive, inclusive and democratic Europe
- Enhance disaster response for all types of crises, including climate-related events, and strengthen the resilience of critical infrastructure to the impacts of climate change.
- Ensure the security of digital networks and protect citizens in the online world.
- Increase the EU’s open strategic autonomy in cybersecurity.
- Combat cybercrime and emerging security threats in the digital age, including the criminal use of AI, to protect Europeans from cyber-enabled crimes.
- Strengthen societal preparedness and resilience against all forms of disasters and threats, whether accidental or intentional, human-made or natural.
- Facilitate seamless border crossings for legitimate travelers and goods while maintaining internal security and preserving the integrity of the Schengen area.
Destinations - Work Programme:
- Better protect the EU and its citizens against Crime and Terrorism.
- Effective management of EU external borders.
- Resilient Infrastructure.
- Increased Cybersecurity.
- Disaster-Resilient Society for Europe.
- Strengthened Security Research and Innovation.