
Language and literature teaching has traditionally been a field dominated by an androcentric perspective, which has made invisible the contribution of women and other non-binary subjects in literary and linguistic production. This approach has contributed to the perpetuation of gender stereotypes and inequalities, and has limited access to education and culture for marginalised groups.

Through this monographic issue we want to reflect on the research carried out on the production of didactic materials used in the teaching of language and literature, and on how to use the texts as a tool to propose an education in equality.

We consider it necessary to approach language, literature and translation from a gender perspective, introducing topics such as the rewriting of the canon, the recovery of forgotten female authors, inclusive language, the interpretation and analysis of texts from a different perspective.

In order to achieve more inclusive teaching, we believe that it is necessary to choose different and less frequented paths, seeking new resources and opting for materials that allow for reflections and debates that can be motivating for the class. In this context, the incorporation of a gender perspective in the teaching of languages and literature is a necessary step towards a more equitable and inclusive education that takes into account cultural and linguistic differences and diversities.


Proposals are welcome in the following thematic areas:

-Recovery of forgotten women authors. Interpretation and analysis of written texts by women authors from a gender perspective.

-Deepening the re-writing of the androcentric canon for its application in teaching.

-Encourage critical reflection on gender stereotypes and inequalities in literary and linguistic production.

literary and linguistic production.

-Promoting equal opportunities and respect for gender diversity in the classroom in the teaching of languages and literatures.

- Research on new teaching materials with a gender perspective.


Deadline for submission according to the journal's instructions: 1 June.

Editorial team issue 11: Verónica Pacheco Costa and Daniele Cerrato