Teaching Laboratories en inglés
Anatomy and Human Embryology
- Lab: S.05 (basement / building 24)
- Teaching Laboratory Technician: Francisco Javier García Reyes
- Tel: +34 954978196 (68196)
- Email: fjgarrey@admon.upo.es
Cell Biology
- Labs: B.04 and B.05 (ground floor / building 23)
- Teaching Laboratory Technician: José Luis Cala Rodríguez
- Tel: +34 954349492 (69381) (69311)
- Email: jlcalrod@upo.es
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Lab: 1.05 (first floor / building 23)
- Teaching Laboratory Technician: César de Cires Segura
- Tel: +34 954977570 (67570)
- Email: cdcirseg@admon.upo.es
- Lab: 2.09 (second floor / building 23)
- Teaching Laboratory Technician: Mónica Míguez Ríos
- Tel: +34 954348649 (68649)
- Email: mmigrio@upo.es
- Labs: 1.09 and 1.06 (first floor / building 23)
- Teaching Laboratory Technician: Jesús del Gran Poder Rodríguez Sánchez
- Tel: +34 954349824 (69824) / 954349889 (69889)
- Email: jgprodsan@upo.es
- Lab: B.06 (ground floor / building 23)
- Teaching Laboratory Technician: Magdalena Mas Nieto
- Tel: +34 954349883 (69883)
- Email: mmasnie@upo.es
Plant Physiology
- Labs: 1.07 and 1.03 (first floor / building 23)
- Teaching Laboratory Technician: Marta Fernández García
- Tel: +34 954977567 (67567)
- Email: mfergar@admon.upo.es
- Labs: 2.06 and 2.07 (second floor / building 23)
- Teaching Laboratory Technician: Ana Isabel López Salvador
- Tel: +34 954349887 (69887)
- Email: ailopsal@upo.es
Internal Geodynamics and External Geodynamics
- Labs: 1.04 and 2.08 (first floor and second floor / building 23)
- Teaching Laboratory Technician: José Manuel Bruque Carmona
- Email: jmbrucar@upo.es
Chemical Physics
- Labs: 2.01, 2.02 and 2.03 (second floor / building 23)
- Teaching Laboratory Technician: Joaquín Galán Reina
- Tel: +34 954348398 (68398)
- Email: jgalrei@upo.es
- Labs: 2.04 and 2.05 (second floor / building 23)
- Teaching Laboratory Technician: Nuria Pérez Claros
- Tel: +34 954349888 (69888)
- Email: npercla@upo.es
Nutrition and Food Science
- Labs: B.08, B.09 and B.11 (ground floor / building 23)
- Teaching Laboratory Technician: Maribel Ramírez de Verger Fernández
- Tel: +34 954977402 (67402)
- Email: miramfer@admon.upo.es
- Lab: 1.08 (first floor / building 23)
- Teaching Laboratory Technician: Joaquín Márquez Rodríguez
- Tel: +34 954349885 (69885)
- Email: jmarrod1@admon.upo.es
- Teaching Laboratory Technician: Francisco José Fernández Martín
- Tel: +34 954348649 (68649)
- Email: fjfermar@admon.upo.es
Chemical Engineering
- Lab: B.02 and B.03 (ground floor / building 23)
- Teaching Laboratory Technician: -
- Tel: -
- Email: -