Research talent attraction initiative - MSCA-PF


The Pablo de Olavide University (UPO) in Seville is offering positions for postdoctoral researchers interested in implementing a 2-3 year project based in Spain within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellowships programme (MSCA-PF), which is part of Pillar I of the European R&I Framework Programme, Horizon Europe (HE).

Specifically, UPO is inviting potential candidates to participate in the Research Talent Attraction Initiative. This initiative aims to enhance the success chances of their MSCA-PF applications, whether for European or Global Fellowships, by providing support during the proposal writing phase.

The initiative is divided into three phases that align with the main parts of the proposal, Part B1 and Part B2.

All top candidates, with the approval of a Supervisor at UPO, will have the opportunity to express their intention to participate.


You can apply if, at the time of the call deadline for the submission of MSCA-PF proposals (September 11, 2024), you meet the following requirements:

  1. POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER: You are in the possession of a PhD title and have a maximum of 8 years of full-time research experience after obtaining it: Guidelines on calculation of 8y research experience.
  2. SUPERVISOR: You have already contacted with a Principal Investigator of the Pablo de Olavide University (see List of Supervisor 2024 below) that has committed to work along with you in the project and, therefore, he/she accepts to be your Supervisor.
    • For Global Fellowships, we recommend you to have a Supervisor in the Outgoing Phase organisation.
  3. HOST INSTITUTION: You choose and accept the UPO as the Host Institution (HI) in which you will carry out the project.
  4. MOBILITY RULE: You comply with the mobility rule of the MSCA-PF, i.e. you must not have resided or carried out your main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain (for MSCA-PF-European), or in the country of the host organisation for the Outgoing Phase (for MSCA-PF-Global) for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the call deadline'.
  5. NATIONALITY of the candidate:
    • For MSCA-PF-European: Postdoctoral researchers from any nationality can apply.
    • For MSCA-PF-Global: Only nationals or long-term residents of the EU Member States or HE Associated Countries can apply to this modality of MSCA-PF.
  6. RESTRICTION: Your proposal submitted to the previous MSCA-PF call, with UPO as HI, did not receive a score of less than 70% (if applicable).

We will be happy to support highly qualified candidates who are interested in any area of our research and are eligible for the MSCA funding (MSCA-PF elegibility conditions). Applicants are expected to submit a proposal with great potential to succeed and to be willing to collaborate and work on improving their drafts.


Please consult the following document in which you can find the Principal Investigators at the UPO:

  >> List of supervisors 2024.

NOTE: The List is a compilation of interest gathered from UPO Principal Investigators that have expressed their intention to receive offers to participate as Supervisors in MSCA-PF proposals.

Once you have contacted and obtained the supervisor's acceptance to support your candidature, and in case you want to benefit from our Initiative, we invite you to send us your Expression of Interest by 5th May 2024 at the latest.


In order to express your intention to apply for the Initiative, you need to prepare the following documentation (1) and complete the information required (2):

  (1) >> Supervisor's acceptance letter.

  (2) >> Online application form / Candidate's information.


NOTE: As of the EoI's deadline, the call to admit and connect potential MSCA-PF candidates with Supervisors will remain open until the 1st of July, but candidates will no longer benefit from the Initiative.


A) First, uploaded documents and information will be checked to ensure they have been correctly completed, including both the Supervisor's Acceptance Letter and the Online Application Form.

B) As a second step, to verify the candidate's eligibility, evidence and/or documents will be required, namely:

  • A digital copy of your PhD title (maximum 8 years of experience in research)
  • Certificate of employment/residence, etc. (Mobility rule)
  • Certificate of marriage or equivalent (Top-up allowance), etc.

Once points A) and B) are fulfilled, the proposal follow-up program will commence according to the established schedule (see the picture above labeled 'Plan of Action').

1) Part B1 - Section: 1.Excellence (dealine: May, 19)

This is the most important section of the proposal, carrying a weight of 50%. Therefore, take your time to carefully complete it, consult with your supervisor(s), and follow the tips and advice provided by the EU R&D Project Office.

Please ensure that this section is thoroughly completed before sending it to Subsequently, you will receive a review with suggestions and tips for improvement to enhance this section of the proposal.

2) Part B1 - Sections: 2. Impact & Section: 3. Implementation (deadline: June 2)

Follow the same procedure as in step 1. You need to send both sections of Part B1, 2 and 3, to the email address provided above. Afterward, you will receive new feedback on these sections.

3) Part B1 + Part B2 - Final Draft (deadline: June 16)

Part B1 should now be completed and revised. It's time to make the necessary adjustments to fine-tune the proposal as best as possible and send it back to along with Part B2.

Upon completion of step 3, and with a consolidated draft of the proposal, you will receive a final review.

The main objective of the Initiative is to have a proposal draft by July and refine it with the Supervisor(s) and other colleagues during August and the first days of September.

Additionally, there is the possibility of external supervision by an expert consultancy firm. This matter should be discussed with your Supervisor.

Through an internal call, the Supervisor has the opportunity to seek internal funding for a consultancy firm to revise the proposal draft. Consequently, the request must be supported by the final draft of your proposal, making only candidates who have completed the proposal follow-up program eligible to apply.