Arab and Islamic Studies
German Philology
French Philology
English Philology
Italian Philology
Latin Philology
Spanish Language
Spanish Literature
Translation and Interpreting
The Pablo de Olavide University offers 2,590 places in the 38 Degrees and Double Degrees that will be taught next year, some of them with the possibility of being studied as bilingual. Meet our offer and ask us your questions!
The Department of Languages and Translation is actively involved in the courses of the bachelor degrees that can be seen below.
The Department of Languages and Translation is fully involved in the courses of the postgraduate and masters’ degree programmes that are related to the following: language teaching, translation and interpreting, teacher training and international communication, among others.
Research is one of the pillars on which academic activity is based. The Department of Languages and Translation has several research groups that actively contribute to the progress of the discipline, as well as a seminar dedicated to scientific research in gender and cultural studies.
Have been found 2 teachers