Digital inheritance, terms and conditions of use and social praxis. An approach from legal theory


  • Rafael Rodríguez-Prieto Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, España
  • Fernando Martínez-Cabezudo Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, España



Inhertance, Civil Law, Internet, Social Network


In this research, our starting point is the inadequacy of the current system of inheritance law respect to the digital environment to build a critic of the abuse of the dominant position held by some of the most important players of the Internet. A critical approach on corporate responsibility, social praxis and legal system, is put up for discussion in terms of contract law and digital system based upon an agreement inter partes which could contain invalid elements in the framework of legal system. In this way, we finally present a reflection on the very democratic insertion of social praxis in the Net and the way of economic exploitation that takes place. 


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Prieto, R., & Martínez-Cabezudo, F. (2018). Digital inheritance, terms and conditions of use and social praxis. An approach from legal theory. International Journal of Political Thought, 12, 77–104.



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