IJERI in the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR)
SCImago, one of the main tools for the evaluation of scientific publications, has just published the SJR (SCImago Journal Rank) indicator for the year 2023. This indicator, which takes data from publications collected in Scopus, provides an important perspective on the quality and impact of scientific publications worldwide, serving as a tool for evaluation and decision making in the academic and professional environment.
Among this year's results, it is important to highlight the entry in this index of the International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation (IJERI), published by the Universidad Pablo de Olavide, reaching an outstanding position in the Q2 quartile in the area of Social Sciences, in the category corresponding to Education. In addition, in Spain, as far as the thematic classification is concerned, IJERI is placed in the thirteenth position of the 79 journals included in this category, which places it among the first in the national panorama.
The journal IJERI, maintains a continuous commitment to academic excellence and innovation in the field of educational research, and thus demonstrates its ability to stand out among the leading publications in its category. This position in the Q2 quartile reflects the recognition of the rigorous peer review process and the relevance of the contents published in the journal.
The editorial team of the journal IJERI thanks all authors, reviewers, editors and contributors for their contribution to the continued success of the publication, and encourages the entire team to continue to maintain the quality that has brought them to this position, recognition of the work and dedication of all those involved in the publication process.