The effect of the use of sports education model on the multi-directional development of students: A meta-analysis study
Sports Education, model, multi- directional development, meta-analysis, moderatorAbstract
In this study, the effect of the sports education model in the lessons was examined. A total of 54 data belonging to 39 studies that comply with the inclusion criteria out of 159 studies were collected. The number of samples to which the sports education model is applied and the data is provided is 3.655 people. In the studies examined within the scope of meta-analysis (the use of sports education model), the information and findings regarding the students' multi-directional development areas are the subtitles of the study. According to the results of the research, the effect size of using the sports education model in the multi-directional development area is medium (d = 0.533). As a result of the moderator analysis, significant differences were determined for the education level and publication year.
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