From Real Class to a Global Network Education In High Academic Achievement International Doctoral Groups [HAAIDG]



Higher Education, Ph.D., HAAIDG, non-contact teaching, internationalization


Research, develop and implement strategies and methodologies aimed at the establishment of HIGH ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT INTERNATIONAL DOCTORAL GROUPS [HAAIDG, in Spanish acronym: GARAID]. In current Doctorate studies, collaboration, coordination and cooperation for research and innovation in official studies leading to the PhD degree developed at the University of Alicante and, in general, at the University of Alicante are still more necessary than before. Other universities, taking into account the frame of reference of the European Higher Education Area. The HAAIDG have been applied first in the "Doctoral Program in Intercultural and Historical Relations in Medieval Mediterranean Europe" -in ISIC-IVITRA and Prometeo de Excelencia PrometeoII/2014/018, University of Alicante-. Many of the needs and challenges to which an attempt is made to respond through HAAIDG are transversal and common to doctoral studies in general: distance learning, teaching by often remote tutorials, internationalization, stays abroad, highly specialized lines and research teams, need to generate knowledge with theses, need for transfer (publications, participation in scientific meetings, both previously and subsequently to the thesis and derived from it).


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Author Biography

Vicent Martines Peres, ISIC-IVITRA, Universidad de Alicante

 Full Professor and Chair ||PhD in Catalan Philology || PhD in Translation Studies || Institut d'Estudis CAtalans || Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona || Director, Institut Superior d'Investigació Cooperativa IVITRA [Ref. ISIC/2012/022]:||  || Director (Founder) University of Alicante Venue at La Nucia, from 2001 || Director (Founder) University of Alicante Venue at Jijona, 2001-2009 || Vice-President (CoFounder), Center For Catalan Studies (University of California at Santa Barbara, USA)  (from 2016)|| Codirector (Cofundador), Institut für Iberische Studien (Otto-Friedrich Universität Bamberg) (from 2015) || IP, Projecte PROMETEO/2009/042 & PROMETEOII/2014/018 [Programa Prometeo per a Grups d'Investigació en I+D+i d'Excel·lència, FEDER-UE]: || Director, Programa de Doctorat internacional "Intercultural and Historical Transfers in Medieval Mediterranean Europe":|| Editor, Series IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature, John Benjamins [ISSN 2211-5412] (Amsterdam, The Netherlands / Philadelphia, USA): || Editor, eHumanista/IVITRA [ISSN 1540-5877] (University of California at Santa Barbara, USA):  || Director, Mirabilia/MedTrans [ISSN 1676-5818] (Institut d'Estudis Medievals, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Universidade Federal Espiritu Santo, Vitória, Brasil): || Editor, Studia Iberica et Americana. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Literary and Cultural Studies [ISSN 2327-4751] (California State University at Fullerton, USA):|| Director, Sección de "Filología Catalana" & Colección "Clásicos Valencianos", Editorial Atenea-Centro de Lingüística Aplicada, Madrid: || Directeur, "Textes catalanes modernes", Classiques Garnier (Paris, France) || Editeur, "Textes catalans du Moyen Âge" dans la collection des Textes littéraires du Moyen Âge, Classiques Garnier (Paris, France) || Fill Adoptiu de la Nucia (Alacant) i Nucier d'Honor & Fill Adoptiu de Xixona (Alacant) i Xixonenc d'Honor.


Garcia Sebastià, Josep Vicent (2017). Inauguració del Centre Internacional d’Investigació d’Estudis Ibèrics / Internationales Institut für Iberische Studien a l’Otto-Friedrich-Universität de Bamberg (Alemanya; 21 de setembre de 2016). Estudis Romànics, 39 (2017), p. 626.

Martines, V. & Antolí Martínez, J. A. & Garcia Sebastià, J. V. & Martínez, C. & Pons Conca, J. & Sánchez López, E. (2017). (Re)dissenyem la tutorización, suport y orientación del alumnado de Programas de Doctorado. Grups de Alt Rendimiento Académico Internacional de Doctorado (HAAIDG) / High Academic Achievemente International Doctoral Groups (HAIDG). En R. Roig-Vila (cord.) & A. Lledó Carreras & J. Blasco Mira & J. M. Antolí (eds.). XARXES-INOVAESTIC 2017. Llibre de actes. REDES-INOVAESTIC 2017. Libro de actes (pp. 313-313). Alicante: ICE de la Universidad de Alicante.

Martínez, Caterina (2017). 25è Col·loqui Germanocatalà "La batalla de les identitats: discursos de centre i perifèria" (Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg (OFUB), 21-24 de setembre de 2016). Estudis Romànics, 39 (2017), pp. 627-629.

Radatz, Hans-Ingo (2017). 25è Col·loqui Germanocatalà «La batalla de les identitats: discursos de centre i perifèria» (Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, 1-24 de setembre de 2016). Zeitschrift für Katalanistik, 30 (2017), 357-361.



How to Cite

Martines Peres, V. (2018). From Real Class to a Global Network Education In High Academic Achievement International Doctoral Groups [HAAIDG]. IJERI: International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, (10), 243–256. Retrieved from


