Study of the undergraduated student satisfaction at quantitative content subjects
Satisfaction, Higher Education, Teaching, Importance-Valuation ModelAbstract
After the implementation of the European Higher Education Area many changes has been
carried out at University. With this new system the students become a main character of
themselves learning due to their active and continued participation in the system. Thus, the
study of student satisfaction is a main objective in order to detect some defects in the development of the teaching. Also, one of our goals is to study if there are differences in the
perception that the students have about the teaching of these subjects in different Spanish
universities. In order to do this, a variant of the traditional importance-valuation model will be
used. This paper deals with the measure of the satisfaction of the undergraduate students
having quantitative content subjects at Business Faculties. In order to do this, a variation of
the traditional importance-performance analysis is used. In general, the results show that
students have a minimum degree of dissatisfaction with all the attributes, although the degree
of satisfaction is not too high. Furthermore, between the different universities there exist
significant differences when we study the perception (and understanding) of the students of
some aspects of the teaching of these subjects.
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